Hi arokh and all,
I've been rocking Chaos Calmer r45250 for a few years on my WNDR3700v1 without any issue until recently when I get security alerts about an exploit on the dnsmasq used in this build (v 2.72-1). I would like to update dnsmasq to v 2.78-1 which patches the security vulnerabilities and keep the rest as is, however when attempting this update via the luci web interface, although I had no errors installing v 2.78-1, the router would no longer serve DHCP or resolve DNS queries. I tried stopping the service, renaming old config files, removing the dnsmasq and reinstalling the newer version and nothing worked: ended up having to perform a reset so it could reload the original dnsmasq 2.72-1 and everything worked again.
So 2 questions:
1) Is there a build for WNDR3700v1 which has the updated dnsmasq v 2.78-1 and the rest of the goodies from arokh's build?
2) If not, what is the process to successfully update this component and keep the rest of the build as-is (assuming this is even possible)?
(Last edited by CMook on 19 Apr 2018, 01:58)