Trying to answer although I am not a core OpenWrt developer. Not sure if everything is correct, but appears to have worked for me when I tried to get the madplay package from oldpackages into trunk again:
Install trunk SDK
cat feeds.conf.default | sed 's/#src-git oldpackages/src-git oldpackages/' > feeds.conf
./scripts/feeds update oldpackages
./scripts/feeds install madplay
On GitHub, clone the openwrt/packages repository
On GitHub, make a new branch
On the new branch, add the Makefile for the package
Add the following fields to the Makefile (of course you might have to change the values according to the upstream source; PKG_MAINTAINER is you):
PKG_MAINTAINER:=My Name <name@domain.tld>
The commit message needs to start with the package name, followed by a ":", e.g.:
madplay: Create Makefile
The commit message needs to have the following comment:
Signed-off-by: My Name <name@domain.tld>
On GitHub, create a pull request
madplay: import from old packages feed
Watch the pull request you made, e.g.,:
Possibly it is a good idea to stay around in #openwrt-devel on
Once it is merged, you can delete your branch.
NOTE: If you forgot to add the Signed-off-by comment in your commit message, then you need to follow … t-message/ to rewrite your commit message.
(Last edited by probono on 24 Jan 2015, 17:47)