In the past few days a lot of websites have relaunched the piece of news about the RC1 for the Barrier Breaker version of our beloved linux distribution.
Since then, inface, you can see that 14.07RC1 is available for a rather large number of hw platforms.
Were you able to read anything official here in this announcement forum or even in the website itself?
I bet for a general "no, we weren't". That's because there is no news at all there.
I am not moaning (again!) about the website sporting "Backfire 10.03.1-rc5" as the latest headlines.
I feel quite embarassed by the fact that there is no mention about this wonderful and very latest piece of news.
I volunteer for managing the website. Who is in charge at the moment?
Is there a way to stop this nonsense, like linking kamikaze documentation for 12.09 release (in the main page)?
Topic: That's incredible: everyone knows about 14.07, but!
The content of this topic has been archived on 19 Mar 2018. There are no obvious gaps in this topic, but there may still be some posts missing at the end.
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+1 We need more news on the main page, telling everyone what's going on! And add "Openwrt rocks"
(Last edited by dabyd64 on 16 Jul 2014, 21:08)
It's a joke it's not on the front page.
tapper wrote:
It's a joke it's not on the front page.
I've come to expect the front page to be all but useless for any sort of news.
I very much appreciate the work that goes into the project though, and I'm delighted to see an RC1 for BB! Thanks for all the hard work!
(Last edited by eas on 23 Jul 2014, 01:47)
The discussion might have continued from here.
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