OpenWrt Forum Archive

Topic: WRTnode opened for $25

The content of this topic has been archived on 19 Apr 2018. There are no obvious gaps in this topic, but there may still be some posts missing at the end.


We are WRTnode machine team.

We made a open source dev board for OpenWrt named WRTnode,
And today It's released:
We got all the mt7620n chip IOs pin out for hardware hacking.
And keep it in small size with maximized RAM 64MB with mt7620n.

OpenWrt is a great project, we'll be happy if WRTnode could give more fun to OpenWrt fans.

Is the mt7620 MAC802.11 WiFi driver the new Open Source OpenWRT one or is it still the illegally hacked Ralink driver?

That looks nice.
But I'm a bit confused. Here you write something about 64mb ram and on several other websites you write about 512mb ram.
So which one is the correct size?
And where can I download the trunk image on A link would be nice. … o=pcqq.c2c

FuLgOrE wrote:

That looks nice.
But I'm a bit confused. Here you write something about 64mb ram and on several other websites you write about 512mb ram.
So which one is the correct size?
And where can I download the trunk image on A link would be nice. … o=pcqq.c2c

When they write "512Mb RAM, 128Mb SPI Flash", the "b" stands for "bits", so you have in fact 8 times less capacity in bytes, i.e. "64MB RAM, 16 MB SPI Flash".

Although it is common to express capacities in bits and word width at the chip level, it is rather confusing to use this unit at the board level like they do.

The discussion might have continued from here.