Do you have plans for support router ASUS RT-AC68U? It is great and very powerfull router, but original firmware (AsusWRT) is NOT great. I try custom firmware AsusWRT-merlin based on original, but it has the same problems and many more as original.
I use this router with few this wireles adapters https://www.asus.com/Networking/PCEAC68/ and it is amazing. My focus is on speed (AC standard), IPv6 support and security. Original firmware doesn't support all my needs but OpenWRT does.
Overview: http://www.asus.com/Networking/RTAC68U/
Spec: http://www.asus.com/Networking/RTAC68U/specifications/
Wiki: https://wikidevi.com/wiki/ASUS_RT-AC68U_v1
802.11n TurboQAM:up to600Mbps
802.11ac: up to 1300Mbps
Supported Wi-Fi standards: 2,4 GHz (b/g/n) and 5 GHz (a/n/ac)
HW: Broadcom BCM4709 Wi-Fi chipset, Arm Cortex A9 dual-core 800MHz CPU, 256MB of DDR RAM
Performance tests:
http://www.pcworld.com/article/2082233/ … ingly.html
http://www.cnet.com/products/asus-rt-ac … -router/2/
http://www.trustedreviews.com/asus-rt-a … nce_Page-2
Thanks for your answers.