Hey guys,
I'm probably doing something wrong here but I've been searching and can't see to find the answer.
I've got an openWRT image that I compiled with bluetooth support running on a HornetUB. I managed to get the bluetooth recognized by adding in the vendor ID to the btusb.c file, works great. I am very low on space though since I've included MPD Audio, and Pulse, basically this HornetUB is going to be an MPD server that connects to multiple bluetooth speakers as pulseaudio sinks.
Anyways, I'm getting ahead of myself here. I mentioned it because maybe the space is causing an issue?
jffs2: Too few erase blocks (2)
- this is always displayed after booting
Anyways, I run HCItool dev and it's working:
root@OpenWrt:/# hcitool dev
hci0 5C:F3:70:61:72:0F
hcitool scan works as well
root@OpenWrt:/# hcitool scan
Scanning ...
00:58:50:00:35:11 MagicBox
So then I try hcitool cc and auth
root@OpenWrt:/# hcitool cc 00:58:50:00:35:11
root@OpenWrt:/# hcitool auth 00:58:50:00:35:11
Not connected.
Not connected. Everything I've looked up so far has referred to editing etc/bluetooth/hcid.conf and changing security to none, tried this and it's still not working.
Also I tried adding 00:58:50:00:35:11 0000 to /var/lib/bluetooth/5C:F3:70:61:72:0F/pincodes
that didn't work either.
I made sure to follow the instructions on the wiki and ran these commands first:
/etc/init.d/dbus enable
/etc/init.d/bluez-utils enable
/etc/init.d/dbus start
/etc/init.d/bluez-utils start
I'm probably just doing something wrong... Maybe I have to pair a different way?
Then I'm going to have to figure out how to get pulse to use it as a sink. I compiled the bluez library with --enable-audio and pulse with --enable-bluez , but I think I have to get it paired first...not sure.
Any advice or point in the right direction would be greatly appreciated! Thanks guys, I'll keep toying with it in the meantime.
Going to flash a smaller image with nothing but bluetooth to save space and see if I can at least get that working.
EDIT - Alright I compiled an image that is small enough for no errors with jffs, has bluetooth support but I am having the same exact issue.
(Last edited by jivex5k on 3 Oct 2014, 23:33)