I am a newbie with openwrt...
I would like to use a WRT54G in client mode to connect to an existing WLAN and also use the LAN ports with full routing functionality.
Is it possible to configure the AP in this way?
The content of this topic has been archived on 15 Apr 2018. There are no obvious gaps in this topic, but there may still be some posts missing at the end.
I am a newbie with openwrt...
I would like to use a WRT54G in client mode to connect to an existing WLAN and also use the LAN ports with full routing functionality.
Is it possible to configure the AP in this way?
You can find the info on this forum and the wiki pages, I'm planning on writing a simple howto when I get round to it.
- Seperate WLAN and LAN from the bridge (I do it by setting nvram variables lan_ifnames and wifi_ifname).
- Put the box into client (station) mode.
- Set up iptables to consider WLAN the "outside", NAT if you want, etc.
- Scan for Access Point (wl scan; wl scanresults).
- Connect to Access Point (wl join <ssid> ...).
- Use udhcpc on the wifi interface to get an IP.
You can find the info on this forum and the wiki pages, I'm planning on writing a simple howto when I get round to it.
I am also VERY interested in these informations... Could you perhaps give us a hint where to find more detailed information? I searched for it already without useful results... Your post was the first short instruction I found
Best regards
Well, I just today received another WRT54G and am about to turn it into a wardriving-box right now. It will be in client mode AND automatically scan for and connect to open Access Points. I'll add all steps into a small howto and let you know.
ok, it's up.
I'll add some more details and tips later, but the basics are there.
The discussion might have continued from here.