Hi folks,
If you are into mesh networking especially Batman-adv meshes you are welcome to try out MESHdesk.
MESHdesk is part of RADIUSdesk and provides a one stop solution to manage you mesh networks and the access and Internet usage of those networks.
RADIUSdesk is a modern front-end to FreeRADIUS.
The MESHdesk firmware consists of a standard Barrier Breaker build along with a few additional packages.
All these packages are already in the OpenWrt repository and you only need to install one external package.
MESHdesk is Open Source
This means that you can run and modify your own install of MESHdesk.
Dual radio nodes are supported to provide high speed capabilities.
Not controlled by a hardware vendor - If it can run OpenWrt chances are very good it can run MESHdesk.
Under active development - New features are added and bugs are fixed almost daily.
Up to 4 separate captive portals are supported per mesh.
....your feature request comes here .....
You can find out more about MESHdesk from this URL:
(Last edited by dvdwalt on 17 Nov 2014, 15:49)