I've setup openvpn server and almost everything works as expected. Now here is the issue. When the openvpn daemon is started manually, then the ip prefixes are added to the kernel routing table and the ip address of the tun device is configured. But if the daemon is added to run during system startup, whether via "/etc/init.d/openvpn enable" or "/etc/init.d/openvpn start" inside "/etc/rc.local", then it starts as expected and the tun device is up but without ip configuration and there are no routes added to the kernel. There are no errors. Neither the openvpn log nor the logread tells anything useful. The daemon can successfully accept client connections and etc. Whether the openvpn is run manually or during system startup, the only differences are the missing ip configuration of the tun device and the missing ip routes from the kernel routing table.
The OpenWRT release is 14.07, rev. r42625.
The OpenVPN-polarssl ver. is 2.3.4-1
OpenVPN uses external custom config as allowed by the first section inside "/etc/config/openvpn".
"/etc/rc.d/" sequence number of the openvpn startup script is 90. There are only three scripts after it - 'done', 'led', 'ntpd', in that order.
It is a stock firmware, no additional packages but OpenVPN.
Any help, clues or whatever, would be appreciated.
Thanks in advance!