So I've recently bought a tiny and 10 USD cheap WiFi repeater off Ali... To my surprise the manual (also surprisingly well-written) mentioned the firmware being GNU GPL and LGPL covered. Unsurprisingly the follow up text was all about weaseling itself out again, and the supposed vendor ( doesn't provide any sort of relevant downloads.
And yes of course. I'm asking if it matches with any already supported hardware perhaps. My particular model is called "Geeya R303". From googling the firmware number thingy "MRE2-B1.344.0.20131012" it seems there are quite a few rebranded variants of that. Possibly most of the RTL8196E wifi repeaters on Ali.. might be comparable here.
So apparently it's made up of:
M12L128168A 2Mx16x4 dram
RTL8196E D8L26P4 SoC
RTL8192ER D8J79E1 wireless
"100 E2532W81 C008B 1302" (no idea)
2x D12301G for the ethernet ports
There's an onboard label of "WN523N2-B2" while the case sticker names the whole device GNY-R303 Rev. B2, and a S/N of GNY303135....
There seemingly might even be a serial port prepared next to the DRAM chip. But I haven't really tinkered with anything yet.
So. What's the state of the RTL8196xy support? I realize it's not as useful of a target device, with just 16MB ram, and no idea how little flash memory, plus no extensibility whatsoever. But if any of the developers might be interested, Christmas is almost upon us, and these things are cheap enough to offer one or two..