Hey Guys,
i recently bought the TP-Link WDR 4300 and flashed OpenWRT, but found out that im most probably happier with the stock... Id love to have alternative firmware running on it, but as im a totally bloody beginner, it would take me ages til i reach the point where i have working timescheduled wifi on/off, usb printer/scanner server, dvbt stream,.... so as i had a look at how it looks like with luci straight after flashing, i think by now i want to give the stock firmware a try.
OK, i just want to make shure i dont brick it now, so could you have quick look and tell me if im right with the following:
According to http://wiki.openwrt.org/toh/tp-link/tl-wdr4300 I just need a firmware from the manufacturer without boot in it, and I found a firmware that suits:
So i just need to "upgrade" from within the WebGUI with that firmware-image? And afterwards upgrade to the latest available Stock-Firmware?
It is the oldest firmware available, does that cause any problems?
Anything else i might need to take special care of? Thank you so much for clarifing and prevent me from bricking my device! :-)