OpenWrt Forum Archive

Topic: Newbie - Revert TP-Link WDR 4300 back to Stock

The content of this topic has been archived on 5 May 2018. There are no obvious gaps in this topic, but there may still be some posts missing at the end.

Hey Guys,

i recently bought the TP-Link WDR 4300 and flashed OpenWRT, but found out that im most probably happier with the stock... Id love to have alternative firmware running on it, but as im a totally bloody beginner, it would take me ages til i reach the point where i have working timescheduled wifi on/off, usb printer/scanner server, dvbt stream,.... so as i had a look at how it looks like with luci straight after flashing, i think by now i want to give the stock firmware a try.

OK, i just want to make shure i dont brick it now, so could you have quick look and tell me if im right with the following:

According to I just need a firmware from the manufacturer without boot in it, and I found a firmware that suits:

So i just need to "upgrade" from within the WebGUI with that firmware-image? And afterwards upgrade to the latest available Stock-Firmware?
It is the oldest firmware available, does that cause any problems?

Anything else i might need to take special care of? Thank you so much for clarifing and prevent me from bricking my device! :-)

Yes it should work ok.
As last check have look at firmware file size (in bytes), it must be equal to the size of the openwrt "factory" image you used..

yes, that's what I did exactly. Once back on the basic stock firmware, you can upgrade step by step to latest version of stock firmware.
you can flash Openwrt anytime.

Thanks guys for clarifing! It worked flawlessly - though i had to manually reboot it after flashing and waiting for 10mins but nothing happend. anyway, after that i was back on stock, could upgrade to the latest stock, and afterwards switching to DD-WRT.

Good luck with that xD

I was searching that firmware and it seems removed from tp-link download section. I was finally able to find it so I uploaded to dropbox for anyone else who need to find it smile …

Edit: I think I should add this to its wiki so you can find it there too...

(Last edited by dnecro on 28 Oct 2016, 23:18)

dnecro wrote:

I was searching that firmware and it seems removed from tp-link download section. I was finally able to find it so I uploaded to dropbox for anyone else who need to find it smile

Edit: I think I should add this to its wiki so you can find it there too...

Sorry to wake up such an old thread but have you by any chance still got that without BOOT in it?

Thanks in advance.


Or if anyone else has it, would be very helpful.

(Last edited by Macster on 26 Dec 2017, 02:12)

The discussion might have continued from here.