This is my first post here so .. few words about me. Linux passionate who started years ago on old good slackware. Profesionally involved in Linux based solutions and wireless networks (not necessarily connected). Enough .
So... I've bough a HG659 with my broadband from Vodafone NZ just because the deal was good and hadn't yet my WR1043ND delivered from other location. But now it lays on the shelf and catches dust, and what a pity as this HW looks to be really worth a job.
It comes with VDSL and VoIP support (I know, I know...) but also with 2 USBs and usual 4+1 ethernet so I believe would be a nice toy if put OpenWRT there.
I took out the case and made some pics. Please check it out on: https://imgur.com/a/1vzED#2
Found some fw from Spark Telecom site (as couldn't find it neither on VF and Huawei sites) and play on it a little.
0 drwxr-xr-x 2 px2 px2 0 Dec 30 15:51 .
0 drwxr-xr-x 10 px2 px2 4096 Dec 30 15:51 ..
89952 -rw-r--r-- 1 px2 px2 92101305 Dec 27 13:37 hexdump.out
18188 -rw-r--r-- 1 px2 px2 18612441 Dec 27 14:26 hg659.jffs
18188 -rw-r--r-- 1 px2 px2 18612444 Dec 27 15:22 hg659_le.jffs2
224 -rw-r--r-- 1 px2 px2 217660 Dec 27 14:22 hg659.lzma
18444 -rw-r--r-- 1 px2 px2 18876080 Dec 27 13:33 HG659V100R001C227B011_packet.bin
140 -rw-r--r-- 1 px2 px2 132120 Dec 27 13:36 strings.out
As I'm not experienced in that kind of job what I've done was only binwalk where I found that there is:
- lzma compressed archive, which extracted from image I couldn't decompress as it tells that comressed data is corrupted
px2@px2-W540 ~/wifi/hg $ LANG="en_US" lzma -d hg659.lzma
lzma: hg659.lzma: Compressed data is corrupt
- jffs2 part, which extracted was able to mount to check out (needs conversion from big endian). Nothing exciting for me as probably I don't know what to look for. Additional thing is that I found fstab entry which tells there should be other jffs which I couldn't find - I'm really bad in that things... so far I hope )
Filelist of that here
I'm happy to help somehow in making it working under openwrt or providing any (reachable) data about it.
Unfortunately I haven't got any JTAG programmer and never used any (but can't it be so hard, right?) so I didn't try to put anything on it yet as I don't want just brick it. But... happy to experiment with someone experienced and under guidance.
Anyone would like to help?