A Howto for setting up UPnP on OpenWrt:

Install the packages miniupnpd and luci-app-upnp via the Luci interface  System -> Software.
Via System -> Startup Enable and (Re)Start miniupnpd and firewall

Test that the UPnP daemon is running on OpenWrt from a Linux system (so: NOT from OpenWrt) with the command

upnpc -l

It should show some useful information of the OpenWrt device

Now proceed with port forwarding:

First do a basic redirect, again from the Linux command line (so: NOT from OpenWrt):

upnpc -r 4444 tcp

More advanced with a different external and internal port
First find out your computer's LAN IP address with

ip route get | head -1 | awk '{ print $NF }'

In my case the output is The command is:

upnpc -a 2222 5555  tcp

This should redirect the outside port 5555 to port 2222 on The result should be like something like:

external TCP is redirected to internal (duration=0)

OK, that works.

If you try a lower outside port (below 1024), you will get:

AddPortMapping(9900, 1000, failed with code 718 (ConflictInMappingEntry)
GetSpecificPortMappingEntry() failed with code 714 (NoSuchEntryInArray)

To solve that, in Luci go to Services -> UPNP, and under "MiniUPnP ACLs" change "Internal ports" to 1-65535. Press Save & Apply

Lower internal ports should work now. Example:

$ upnpc -a $(ip route get | head -1 | awk '{ print $NF }') 80 5678  tcp

external TCP is redirected to internal (duration=0)

So now the external port 5678 is redirected to internal

Programs like torrent programs can now do the port forwarding for you.


(Last edited by superkoning on 6 Jan 2015, 20:18)