I have installed those packages:
base-files - 117-r36088
blkid - 2.21.2-1
block-mount - 0.2.0-9
busybox - 1.19.4-6
dnsmasq - 2.62-2
dropbear - 2011.54-2
e2fsprogs - 1.42.4-1
fdisk - 2.21.2-1
firewall - 2-55.1
hotplug2 - 1.0-beta-4
ip - 3.3.0-1
iptables - 1.4.10-4
iw - 3.6-1
jshn - 2013-01-29-0bc317aa4d9af44806c28ca286d79a8b5a92b2b8
kernel - 3.3.8-1-f57f4e4b03f8756fe7965db2671c97f6
kmod-b43 - 3.3.8+2012-09-07-3
kmod-b43legacy - 3.3.8+2012-09-07-3
kmod-cfg80211 - 3.3.8+2012-09-07-3
kmod-crypto-aes - 3.3.8-1
kmod-crypto-arc4 - 3.3.8-1
kmod-crypto-core - 3.3.8-1
kmod-diag - 3.3.8-10
kmod-fs-ext4 - 3.3.8-1
kmod-ipt-conntrack - 3.3.8-1
kmod-ipt-core - 3.3.8-1
kmod-ipt-nat - 3.3.8-1
kmod-ipt-nathelper - 3.3.8-1
kmod-lib-crc-ccitt - 3.3.8-1
kmod-lib-crc16 - 3.3.8-1
kmod-mac80211 - 3.3.8+2012-09-07-3
kmod-nls-base - 3.3.8-1
kmod-ppp - 3.3.8-1
kmod-pppoe - 3.3.8-1
kmod-pppox - 3.3.8-1
kmod-scsi-core - 3.3.8-1
kmod-switch - 3.3.8-5
kmod-usb-brcm47xx - 3.3.8-1
kmod-usb-core - 3.3.8-1
kmod-usb-ohci - 3.3.8-1
kmod-usb-storage - 3.3.8-1
kmod-usb-storage-extras - 3.3.8-1
kmod-usb-uhci - 3.3.8-1
kmod-usb2 - 3.3.8-1
libblkid - 2.21.2-1
libblobmsg-json - 2013-01-29-0bc317aa4d9af44806c28ca286d79a8b5a92b2b8
libc -
libcom_err - 1.42.4-1
libext2fs - 1.42.4-1
libgcc - 4.6-linaro-1
libip4tc - 1.4.10-4
libiwinfo - 36
libiwinfo-lua - 36
libjson - 0.9-2
liblua - 5.1.4-8
libncurses - 5.7-5
libnl-tiny - 0.1-3
libopenssl - 1.0.1h-1
libpcap - 1.1.1-2
libpcre - 8.11-2
libpthread -
libubox - 2013-01-29-0bc317aa4d9af44806c28ca286d79a8b5a92b2b8
libubus - 2013-01-13-bf566871bd6a633e4504c60c6fc55b2a97305a50
libubus-lua - 2013-01-13-bf566871bd6a633e4504c60c6fc55b2a97305a50
libuci - 2013-01-04.1-1
libuci-lua - 2013-01-04.1-1
libuuid - 2.21.2-1
libxtables - 1.4.10-4
lua - 5.1.4-8
luci - 0.11.1-1
luci-app-firewall - 0.11.1-1
luci-i18n-english - 0.11.1-1
luci-lib-core - 0.11.1-1
luci-lib-ipkg - 0.11.1-1
luci-lib-nixio - 0.11.1-1
luci-lib-sys - 0.11.1-1
luci-lib-web - 0.11.1-1
luci-mod-admin-core - 0.11.1-1
luci-mod-admin-full - 0.11.1-1
luci-proto-core - 0.11.1-1
luci-proto-ppp - 0.11.1-1
luci-sgi-cgi - 0.11.1-1
luci-theme-base - 0.11.1-1
luci-theme-openwrt - 0.11.1-1
mtd - 18.1
netifd - 2013-01-29.2-4bb99d4eb462776336928392010b372236ac3c93
nvram - 9
opkg - 618-3
ppp - 2.4.5-8
ppp-mod-pppoe - 2.4.5-8
screen - 4.0.3-3
swap-utils - 2.21.2-1
tcpdump - 4.2.1-3
terminfo - 5.7-5
ubus - 2013-01-13-bf566871bd6a633e4504c60c6fc55b2a97305a50
ubusd - 2013-01-13-bf566871bd6a633e4504c60c6fc55b2a97305a50
uci - 2013-01-04.1-1
uhttpd - 2012-10-30-e57bf6d8bfa465a50eea2c30269acdfe751a46fd
vim-full - 7.3-1
wpad-mini - 20120910-1
zlib - 1.2.7-1
Which of them can be use for scripting (possibly, turing complete)?
I know the "busybox sh" itself; "sed", "awk", "lua". Any other?
(Last edited by pier4r on 3 Feb 2015, 14:06)