OpenWrt Forum Archive

Topic: Multiple WAN interfaces: a new tool

The content of this topic has been archived on 6 May 2018. There are no obvious gaps in this topic, but there may still be some posts missing at the end.

I've just released Fault Tolerant Router, a tool to manage the status and generate config for multiple internet uplinks. It's quite well described on the project page, I needn't repeat it here:

The tool is written in Ruby and not OpenWrt specific, but maybe an OpenWrt package will follow. Meanwhile I would like somebody to test it on OpenWrt. Thank you.

I will absolutely test this!  You have no idea how fortuitous the timing is on this, I've been struggling to load balance a pair of openvpn tun interfaces for the last few days, with no luck getting it working, so hopefully this does the trick.  I just saw an article about it on /., checked out the github, and then did a quick search to see if anyone had it working on openwrt.  Guess I'll be among the first to try it out.

I'll post results here as soon as I'm able (I'm on-call at work right now, so it depends on after hours alarms).

I have used mwan3 previously, it is a bit tricky to get it up and working, but once it is working it does what it says.
I'm also interested in testing your new tool so I can compare it to mwan3. Thanks.

The discussion might have continued from here.