Can somebody help with BlueZ in OpenWrt, please?
Whole day I'm trying to connect my NOKIA phone over bluetooth (using MSI MS-6967 bluetooth USB stick) to my ASUS WL-500g (with OpenWrt RC5 firmware). I want to use internet connection in my phone.
Problem I have is when I connect my phone to ASUS, I get this message:
pppd is unable to open the /dev/ppp device. You need to create the /dev/ppp device node by executing the following command as root: ^Imknod /dev/ppp c 108 0
But when I type "mknod /dev/ppp c 108 0" I got reply "-ash: mknod: not found".
I try everything, but nothing works. Please, help me, I think this is last what I must resolve.
Thanks for answers,
Cooper, Czech Republic
(Last edited by cooper.zl on 8 May 2006, 20:23)