I submitted some changes to OpenWrt that should enable audio playback from bluetooth sources (Android mobile) to an OpenWrt "system" with bluetooth (USB dongle) and audio (speaker)
Wiki page: http://wiki.openwrt.org/wiki/bluetooth.audio
Please test
Getting bluetooth to run is difficult. Bluetooth development is fast, not documented and
there are issues with the bluez userspace development in general. [1]
So there are a ton of outdated documentation using bluez3 or bluez4.
Using Audio with bluez5 requires DBUS and pulseaudio. (bluez->alsa only in old bluez4)
Pulseaudio 6 supports bluez4 and blue5.
This guide uses Pulse6, bluez5 and DBUS
Another requirement: sbc library (split from bluez) and kmod-input-uinput
Recommended: Python because the test tools make use of python.
Test tools can supply legacy methods via commandline for pairing for example.
Most changes are submitted to the mailing list / github packages repo
Changing the (default) permissions of daemons (dbus,pulseaudio,bluetoothd) are not done atm but documented in the wiki - feel free to add/contribute.
[1] http://blog.projectnibble.org/2010/08/0 … ame-to-be/
(Last edited by zloop on 2 Apr 2015, 10:58)