I made an OpenWRT package for Adrian Smith't squeezelite - software Squeezebox network music player emulator (https://code.google.com/p/squeezelite/) and LuCI application to configure it. Both packages available as OpenWRT feed at https://github.com/squeezewrt/squeezewrt
About a half of year I use squeezelite running in TL-MR3220 (32Mb RAM and 4Mb Flash) as network music player in my home audio system. It plays without distortions and data losses high-bitrate (24bit/192KHz) audio over Ethernet or WiFi.
My topic about this on the Hi-fi forum (in Russian): http://hi-fidelity-forum.com/forum/thread-107334.html
Maybe it makes sense to include these packages in the main OpenWRT feed?