@richbhanover & others already posted great goals
- Keeping old ("outdated") Information in the wiki might be important for some people.
At least in forums there are many ppl still asking for advice/support for AA. I have moved some old SDK/Buildroot info to "<pagename>.old" for that reason to keep it archived but separated from current information. Keep language simple & with warnings. (Chinese users)
- Provide "new" information before release (at submit) - generate "placeholder" pages.
- Much information is outdated and should be reviewed/retested. This takes a huge time especially if it involves compiling, testing on devices (you have to buy these or you have some devices "laying around") and searching (linking) upstream documentation and filing bugs/changing packages. (example: http://wiki.openwrt.org/wiki/bluetooth.audio done by me)
- Make pages easier to read. Divide pages more clearly. 2 - maybe 3 information "tiers" : normal user pages("Howto"), background info and developer pages ("techref").
- Cleanup:
I already merged the Howto and Recipes pages since they were basically the same (recipes only had wireless network stuff while the howto had all other stuff) and tried to divide that into sections for advanced user/topics that require more computer knowledge.
There is still other stuff that is either in "TODO" ( http://wiki.openwrt.org/doc/todo ) or in the "oldwiki" namespace that needs to be reviewed for "ages".
Its unclear if a better wiki pages will result in less people posting the same questions about network/flashing in IRC or forums because some people do not search first before they ask questions.
- Developer TODO lists
There was a discussion with some devs in IRC about a possible todo list/starting point for developers wanting to code in the wiki. I remember that there was agreement that it might be nice and could hold/buffer the trac/ticket system "whishlist" that OpenWrt indirectly has (most famous: Hardare NAT & other closed tickets). But this would have to be managed very strictly and might be prone to edit wars.
(Last edited by zloop on 6 May 2015, 05:12)