Hi, I'm new (sorry)!
I tried to upload the openwrt openwrt-ramips-rt305x-dir-615-h1-squashfs-facto.. for my D-Link DIR615 H2, from here: http://downloads.openwrt.org/barrier_br … ps/rt305x/
I did this via the menu offered by D-Link under -> Tools / System Firmware upload. The router showed me a dialog counting down for 120 secs and supposably flashed the firmware. After the reboot: nothing changed.
I still see the old firmware. Without success, I tried this several times as also tried the older 12.09 version, or checked out trunk and built the package myself by the instructions in the wiki here: http://wiki.openwrt.org/toh/d-link/dir-615?s[]=dir615
Finally I ended up with dd-wrt, which I could easily upload via the firmware upload dialog in the web frontend of the router. Anyway, I actually prefer having openwrt run on my device. I'm sure this can't be a big issue, since it actually should work, as I read from others.
Please, can you tell me what I'm missing here? Or, how to investigate and understand better what is actually going wrong here?