I have searched the net and read all of the similar threads on this forum and wiki pages but I still cannot get vlans running. I have locked myself out of this router way too many times over the last few days. I promise I'm not lazy, just mentally challenged.
From the switch wiki page: "The TP-Link Archer C7 has eth0 = WAN, and eth1 = LAN (the 4 switch ports). Port 0 of the switch = eth1 (labelled CPU in Luci), Port 6 = eth0. Port 1 is labelled WAN in Luci."
The layout from the wiki:
0 eth1
2 LAN1
3 LAN2
4 LAN3
5 LAN4
6 eth0
Default switch page is shown as:
U | O | U | U | U | U | O
O | U | O | O | O | O | U
U = Untagged. O = OFF. Nothing is tagged by default.
I would like to assign LAN2 and LAN3 to one vlan and assign LAN4 to another vlan while leaving LAN1 on the default lan. Can someone PLEASE give me step by step directions from Luci?
(Last edited by Samz on 14 Jun 2015, 15:11)