I've been struggling to cross compile linux-igd for wrt54gs router.
Using the buildroot docs, I managed to set up the environment, wrote a simple hello world C program that cross compiled and ran fine on the router.
I'm not sure how to go about with linux-igd package (which also depends on upnpsdk):
I've copied the upnpsdk and linux-igd source folders into package directory of the buildroot. I should get upnpsdk cross compiled first, followed by linux-igd.
Could some one please tell me what I need to do to build these two? I'm not very familiar with cross compilation and linux, so request you to use simple language.
Some attempts I made:
1) In linux-igd's makefile, I found a variable CC=g++, which I replaced with stagingdir/bin/mipsel-linux-uclibc-g++ . I couldnt test this since it depends on upnpsdk.
2) In upnpsdk's makefile, I found a line "MAKE = make" (and MAKE is being used to compile the code). I'm not sure how to modify this.
Looking forward to your replies.