OpenWrt Forum Archive

Topic: Is Chaos Calmer CC15.05-rc2 stable on a WNDR3700?

The content of this topic has been archived on 5 Apr 2018. There are no obvious gaps in this topic, but there may still be some posts missing at the end.

I'm planning to build a custom no-frills image to update my WNDR3700v1 currently on a AA image I built about 3 years ago.

Should I go for BB or skip altogether it an jump to CC15.05-rc2?

The aim is to build a pretty minimalistic image, only purely router, wifi AP and switch stuff. No USB, VPN, Samba or torrent nonsense as I got a NAS to handle some of that, is CC quite stable in this scenario?

Both are stable in 3700. You should skip BB14.07 as the code starts to be rather old. Either CC or even trunk.

You might test my 3700/3800 community build if you want to see how the versions look... bb, cc and trunk

(Last edited by hnyman on 7 Jul 2015, 13:13)

I may as well go for your curated build since it fits most of my requirements and save myself the make config and compilation hassle. I have a limited time window while the wife and kids are away for the weekend so I would like to make the right choice of build, I can't be flashing and reconfiguring too much...

Compared to an image like yours but built without the USB and IPv6 tunneling stuff what I'll be wasting if I just run your image with that functionality disabled:
RAM, flash storage? will it be negligible?

Does it have wifi 2.4GHz channels 12 and 14 enabled or do I have to apply Jow's reghack patch?


Disabling ipv6 completely might be rather complicated, and the tunnel components are just a few kB each. USB support is also rather small.

I have not applied jow's reghack patches, so the channel availability may be limited. I see channels 12 and 13 available, but 14 is disabled as I have HT40 mode.

In general, wndr3700 has enough flash, so you do not have to scrape every available kB away from flash.

And there is enough RAM for any normal router operation.

Easy way to disable ipv6:

rm /lib/modules/*/ipv6.ko && reboot


That's very handy. Thanks.

arokh wrote:

Easy way to disable ipv6:

rm /lib/modules/*/ipv6.ko && reboot


danirod wrote:

That's very handy. Thanks.

arokh wrote:

Easy way to disable ipv6:

rm /lib/modules/*/ipv6.ko && reboot


That will disable ipv6, but it will not free any flash memory. Instead a few more bytes are consumed when the built-in files are marked as "deleted" sad

Like you said, ipv6 doesn't take up much space anyways. Personally I like to remove it like that because I don't use ipv6 and hate to see the useless addresses assigned to every interface smile

Oh well... I just managed to dig up the Lubuntu 12.10 VM I had used to compile my image 3 years ago, fired it up, cloned CC 15.05, overwrote the regdb.txt with my own, took hnyman's config init recipe, disabled all USB and IPv6 stuff and 2 hours later voilá, got my spanking new build (you gotta love open source!).
I'll try it tonight. If doesn't work I'll just go with hnyman's image and disable IPv6 with arokh's trick.


Hello, I'm not seeing any ("official") cc/trunk builds for WNDR3700v4. Does anyone happen to know why is that?

(Last edited by spike411 on 18 Jul 2015, 21:40)

Nevermind, I was looking under generic, not nand images.

The discussion might have continued from here.