At first, I thought my new server side ssl certs were not installed right, yet they work fine with different browsers.
When I tried using openwrt curl, I kept getting errors so thought the problem was at my end.
I spent hours looking for answers but have yet to find much which tells me anything.
Many dumb posts from people offering -k as a solution which it isn't*** other than a quick fix if you simply must connect but in my case, it's for a running script, not a one time use.
Found a couple of interesting posts which finally made me realize the problem wasn't at my end by testing other sites using https and sure enough I saw the following.
# curl -v
* Cert verify failed: BADCERT_NOT_TRUSTED
curl: (51) Cert verify failed: BADCERT_NOT_TRUSTED
# curl --cacert /tmp/ca-bundle.crt
curl: (77) Error reading ca cert file /tmp/ca-bundle.crt - PolarSSL: (-0x2900) X509 - Read/write of file failed
My image builder version is 14.07,r42625 and the curl version is
curl 7.38.0 (mips-openwrt-linux-gnu) libcurl/7.38.0 PolarSSL/1.3.8
Protocols: file ftp ftps http https
Features: IPv6 Largefile SSL
I don't seem to have openssl installed and cannot confirm anywhere if that might be the problem or something else I need to install in my build.
Hoping someone can shed some light!
(Last edited by projects on 21 Jul 2015, 17:41)