Hello together,
i bought the xiaomi R2D Router with 6TB Harddrive the Broadcom BCM4709 Chipset.
The router does not support English at the moment.
Now my Questions:
Why the router is not listed as offical supported? It is based on openwrt with a chinese LUCI Webinterface.
Is there somehow a possibility to make a traslation of the LUCI Webinterface?
What kind of changes are needed to make out of the rom of the Xiaomi R1D rom and R2D rom. The Chipset is the same or nearly the same.
Is there any suggestion where i could investigate to get by the easiest why a software with english language support on the router?
I am willing to learn something but maybe there is a way which needs not a 2 year study.
(Last edited by BIGPIT on 17 Aug 2015, 13:52)