I noticed that Chaos Calmer is somewhat slower compared to Barrier Breaker.
On WR1043NDv1 the LuCi interface values, memory free, packets send, no of connections, takes a long time to load up on the web interface compared to barrier breaker, performance is also slower by a lot. Anyone having the same issue or it is just me?
I noticed that with each version increase more and more daemon appears and start listening on sockets by default.
For Barrier Breaker to Chaos Calmer the new "Star" is RPCD.
I mean I am all for new features but we are all running it on resource constraint devices so a balance need to be struck btw performance and features.
PS : on the Default LUCI Page, Memory statistic is missing one section Barrier Breaker has 4 while Chaos Calmer has only 3
(Last edited by alphasparc on 23 Nov 2015, 03:13)