OpenWrt Forum Archive

Topic: Trunk builds based on arokh's build

The content of this topic has been archived on 29 Apr 2018. There are no obvious gaps in this topic, but there may still be some posts missing at the end.

I have done some builds based on arokh's build. I added a custom build script and put all together on a Wordpress enabled web site.

Visit my web site for more details and downloads at:
Forum at: Custom-OpenWrt-Builds - Forum

Have fun ;-)

(Last edited by written_direcon on 4 Sep 2015, 12:34)

What exactly is the difference? This seems a bit iffy considering I didn't accept your offer to make a website for my build, and you're not providing any source.

I will put the source and instructions online. Just wait a bit..

So basically, you didn't change anything. I'm wondering about your motivations for this "fork" (ripoff might be a better word) of my build, and would recommend against anyone installing it.

New build online.

Another build with no apparent changes by this dubious guy. Be aware of malware and backdoors.

arokh wrote:

Another build with no apparent changes by this dubious guy. Be aware of malware and backdoors.

Thanks for such an advice. That's why I don't use nor would I recommend anyone to use builds from any 3-rd party (including yours) which may contain any malware and/or backdoors, except from OpenWRT and/or my own builds.

Absolutely, the same could be said about my builds. The difference being my reputation as a contributor on this community for years, and the fact that my build is built and hosted on a server belonging to the OpenWrt project. Of course, even if I was honest someone could have hacked the server and injected something. You can get around the risk by downloading my diffs, optionally inspecting them and then build yourself.

This guy on the other hand has contributed nothing, and has a seemingly intense wish to host my builds. When I refused he did it anyways, adding nothing apparently. That in itself is cause for concern. Why so anxious to host something he did not make himself on his servers?

I've reported this to the mods, and the response I got is that this guy is a notorius troll around here for years with several registered users.

Anyways, I've said my piece and will ignore this guy from now on. Way to contribute to the already near-dead community written_direcon.

arokh wrote:

The difference being my reputation as a contributor on this community for years, and the fact that my build is built and hosted on a server belonging to the OpenWrt project. Of course, even if I was honest someone could have hacked the server and injected something. You can get around the risk by downloading my diffs, optionally inspecting them and then build yourself.

I am glad to hear the above constructive clarifications. For me, my preference is always to take a hard road to build my own firmware from scratch (including the toolchains). That is the beauty of having OpenWRT than any other open-source firmware project I am aware of.

New build r46773 online.

Honest question, if you're building the exact same image for the exact same routers that arokh is building what value does this add?

I don't see the purpose of completely ripping off Arokh's build (and adding the possibility of malware and backdoors) and hosting it on another website. I had thought about rehosting these builds while back, but it isn't really necessary.

TBH, I don't think anyone here has ever downloaded from the site, but the OP is free to prove me wrong. That said, given some times, I believe eventually the OP will get tired and will decide to abandon the project as well as updates new releases here.

The discussion might have continued from here.