I created a Material Design theme yesterday, It's beautiful and modern. This theme is more suitable for the modern computer screen, and it improved support for mobile device.
The theme has been committed into Luci trunk sources today:
https://github.com/openwrt/luci/tree/ma … e-materialSo, it is available in menuconfig when building trunk firmwares. And buildbot will build it in the next snapshot round, after which it can be found along all other packages at the snapshot downloads and also via "opkg update" etc.
You Can Use it manually with opkg command to install it.
First of all, you need download this theme from this site (https://github.com/LuttyYang/luci-theme … l/releases),
Secondly, you need upload it to your router,you can use scp(linux) or WinSCP(Windows)
And then, login your router use ssh(linux) or PuTTY(Windows), switch to your upload ipk directory. Execute the following command.
opkg install ./luci-theme-material*.ipk
Finally, you need login your router use LUCI, and switch theme in System - System - Language and Style
If you have a bug, Please create an issue here on GitHub!
Here have some screenshots:
(Last edited by lutty on 20 Sep 2015, 03:08)