I'm trying - but failing - to get a Homehub working but I can't get a response from ebilan. Anyone know what is happening?
Topic: Is openwrt.ebilan.co.uk dead?
The content of this topic has been archived on 26 Apr 2018. There are no obvious gaps in this topic, but there may still be some posts missing at the end.
I know this is a 2 week old post, but there was an update posted for with the latest build including patches on the forum, I'm trying to register, but never receive the conformation email, Was hoping that one of the guys from there would be a member on here, but cant find them.
Yes, ebilan is still getting new posts. Can anyone with a login there post a message where an admin will see it please - the sign-up email messages are not getting sent. Ta.
Same here, I bricked a Homehub 5A trying to convert it to Openwrt, the method didnt work to get UART boot CFG 04 mode, I registered on eliban for help but got no activation email and no repsonse after contacting so I dont think they are receiving any emails either.
Oh it's a lantiq based device, and you're trying to get openwrt trunk running, and have serial access, and the device uses uboot.
That's a very good start, you can pretty much boot anything you like on it in that case, as long as you don't accidentally overwrite uboot in which case you'd need an spi programmer.
Describe in more detail the steps you took to "brick" it, and how does it behave now?
Hi risk, thanks for your response, I plugged the GND to one of the alternative pins on the board near the one in the tut after that the router wont boot with or without the serial pins attached,
Its this router
I have a now purchased a new one and would love openwrt on it but I followed the instructions in the guide and again it did what the first one did just responds n UART with a 0x00
I did not try alternative pins with the new one and put it back together and it boots fine the first one is still none responsive
Hi, sorry it's taken me a while to respond. The issue regarding auth emails not being sent was resolved late december.
Sorry for bumping an old post - but, this is the only place I've seen ebilan
Ebilan, if you see this, I'm suffering the same problem as the op:
The specified username is currently inactive. If you have problems activating your account, please contact a board administrator.
But, I've tried contacting the board admin with no joy and emailed the postmaster there. If you're able to get my account activated it'd be really appreciated.
The discussion might have continued from here.