I tried to build a firmware for my PogoPlug Pro and at the end of make -j4 STRIP=true, the compilation crashed at the stage of make package/install as shown below:
make[3] -C feeds/packages/lang/php5-pecl-propro compile
make[3] -C feeds/packages/lang/php5-pecl-raphf compile
make[3] -C feeds/old_packages/lang/php-pear-db compile
make[3] -C feeds/old_packages/lang/php-pear-xmlrpc compile
make[2] package/install
make -r world: build failed. Please re-run make with -j1 V=s to see what's going on
make: *** [world] Error 1
3860.941u+696.899s=55:05.27e(137.8%) TDSavg=0k+0k+0k max=421464k 9725592+25254384io 16535pf+0sw
[debian@debian:/opt/openwrt-git-trunk 27%] ~
So, I relaunched with make package/install V=s and it spits out more verbose error messages as shown below:
Installing librpc (2015-11-04-a921e3ded051746f9f7cd5e5a312fb6771716aac) to root...
Package librpc (2015-11-04-a921e3ded051746f9f7cd5e5a312fb6771716aac) installed in root is up to date.
Package librt (1.0.9-1) installed in root is up to date.
Unknown package ''.
Unknown package '��.'.
Package libssp (4.8-linaro-1) installed in root is up to date.
Package libstdcpp (4.8-linaro-1) installed in root is up to date.
Installing libubox-lua (2015-11-08-10429bccd0dc5d204635e110a7a8fae7b80d16cb) to root...
Package libubox (2015-11-08-10429bccd0dc5d204635e110a7a8fae7b80d16cb) installed in root is up to date.
Installing libubus-lua (2015-12-09-766d49876f8f877f4846c16864e7f73b5a3917f7) to root...
Package libubus (2015-12-09-766d49876f8f877f4846c16864e7f73b5a3917f7) installed in root is up to date.
Installing libuci-lua (2015-08-27.1-1) to root...
Configuring luaposix.
Configuring libopenldap.
Configuring lualanes.
Configuring python3-psycopg2.
Configuring kmod-usbip-server.
Configuring luci-app-hd-idle.
Configuring libmagic.
Configuring procps-ng-pgrep.
Configuring python3-expat.
Configuring libgomp.
Configuring patch.
Configuring dnsmasq-full.
Configuring libintl-full.
Collected errors:
* opkg_install_cmd: Cannot install package .
* opkg_install_cmd: Cannot install package �d0.
xargs: /opt/openwrt-git-trunk/staging_dir/host/bin/opkg: exited with status 255; aborting
make[1]: *** [package/install] Error 124
make[1]: Leaving directory `/opt/openwrt-git-trunk'
make: *** [package/install] Error 2
91.089u+24.937s=2:24.56e(80.2%) TDSavg=0k+0k+0k max=50776k 263352+1738912io 38pf+0sw
[debian@debian:/opt/openwrt-git-trunk 65%] ~
With such error messages (Unknown package '��.'. and * opkg_install_cmd: Cannot install package �d0.), there is no way I can know what is the culprit that caused this problem. If anyone here knows how to resolve this issue, please kindly help. Thank you.