OpenWrt Forum Archive

Topic: make package/install spits out weird error messages

The content of this topic has been archived on 5 May 2018. There are no obvious gaps in this topic, but there may still be some posts missing at the end.

I tried to build a firmware for my PogoPlug Pro and at the end of make -j4 STRIP=true, the compilation crashed at the stage of make package/install as shown below:

 make[3] -C feeds/packages/lang/php5-pecl-propro compile
 make[3] -C feeds/packages/lang/php5-pecl-raphf compile
 make[3] -C feeds/old_packages/lang/php-pear-db compile
 make[3] -C feeds/old_packages/lang/php-pear-xmlrpc compile
 make[2] package/install
make -r world: build failed. Please re-run make with -j1 V=s to see what's going on
make: *** [world] Error 1
3860.941u+696.899s=55:05.27e(137.8%) TDSavg=0k+0k+0k max=421464k 9725592+25254384io 16535pf+0sw
[debian@debian:/opt/openwrt-git-trunk 27%] ~

So, I relaunched with make package/install V=s and it spits out more verbose error messages as shown below:

Installing librpc (2015-11-04-a921e3ded051746f9f7cd5e5a312fb6771716aac) to root...
Package librpc (2015-11-04-a921e3ded051746f9f7cd5e5a312fb6771716aac) installed in root is up to date.
Package librt (1.0.9-1) installed in root is up to date.
Unknown package ''.
Unknown package '��.'.
Package libssp (4.8-linaro-1) installed in root is up to date.
Package libstdcpp (4.8-linaro-1) installed in root is up to date.
Installing libubox-lua (2015-11-08-10429bccd0dc5d204635e110a7a8fae7b80d16cb) to root...
Package libubox (2015-11-08-10429bccd0dc5d204635e110a7a8fae7b80d16cb) installed in root is up to date.
Installing libubus-lua (2015-12-09-766d49876f8f877f4846c16864e7f73b5a3917f7) to root...
Package libubus (2015-12-09-766d49876f8f877f4846c16864e7f73b5a3917f7) installed in root is up to date.
Installing libuci-lua (2015-08-27.1-1) to root...
Configuring luaposix.
Configuring libopenldap. 
Configuring lualanes.
Configuring python3-psycopg2.
Configuring kmod-usbip-server.
Configuring luci-app-hd-idle.
Configuring libmagic.
Configuring procps-ng-pgrep.
Configuring python3-expat.
Configuring libgomp.
Configuring patch.
Configuring dnsmasq-full.
Configuring libintl-full.
Collected errors:
 * opkg_install_cmd: Cannot install package .
 * opkg_install_cmd: Cannot install package �d0.
xargs: /opt/openwrt-git-trunk/staging_dir/host/bin/opkg: exited with status 255; aborting
make[1]: *** [package/install] Error 124
make[1]: Leaving directory `/opt/openwrt-git-trunk'
make: *** [package/install] Error 2
91.089u+24.937s=2:24.56e(80.2%) TDSavg=0k+0k+0k max=50776k 263352+1738912io 38pf+0sw
[debian@debian:/opt/openwrt-git-trunk 65%] ~

With such error messages (Unknown package '��.'. and * opkg_install_cmd: Cannot install package �d0.), there is no way I can know what is the culprit that caused this problem. If anyone here knows how to resolve this issue, please kindly help. Thank you.

I did some further digging and found some packages that caused the problem. After fixing those problematic packages, I ended up with a single unknown package that still causes the problem as shown below:

Installing librpc (2015-11-04-a921e3ded051746f9f7cd5e5a312fb6771716aac) to root...
Package librpc (2015-11-04-a921e3ded051746f9f7cd5e5a312fb6771716aac) installed in root is up to date.
Package librt (1.0.9-1) installed in root is up to date.
Unknown package 'À*ó^A'.   <================== WTF is this?
Package libssp (4.8-linaro-1) installed in root is up to date.
Package libstdcpp (4.8-linaro-1) installed in root is up to date.
Installing libubox-lua (2015-11-08-10429bccd0dc5d204635e110a7a8fae7b80d16cb) to root...
Package libubox (2015-11-08-10429bccd0dc5d204635e110a7a8fae7b80d16cb) installed in root is up to date.
Installing libubus-lua (2015-12-09-766d49876f8f877f4846c16864e7f73b5a3917f7) to root...
Package libubus (2015-12-09-766d49876f8f877f4846c16864e7f73b5a3917f7) installed in root is up to date.
Installing libuci-lua (2015-08-27.1-1) to root...
Package libuci (2015-08-27.1-1) installed in root is up to date.
Installing libustream-polarssl (2015-07-09-c2d73c22618e8ee444e8d346695eca908ecb72d3) to root...

At this stage, I really don't know what package caused this error message Unknown package 'À*ó^A'.. Anyone?

No clue yet. 1-2 years ago there was some package (clearsilver???) with illegal characters in the maintainer's name. And that caused a bit similar errors already at feed installation, as a tool (grep?) then mistakenly handled the file as a binary file.

Your problem might be something similar. Illegal chars or punctuation somewhere causing a token to be read wrong. Likely a dependency or something like that.

It might also be an error or bug in some of the toolchain tools. Something that pops up just with your buildhost and target architecture?

You might try to search for the culprit by starting with a really minimal build without additional packages and then adding packages one by one in order to find the one adding the error. (hopefully the error does not materialize in the minimal core system for the router).

from gogle search seems to lead to arabic unicode chars..

Installing librpc (2015-11-04-a921e3ded051746f9f7cd5e5a312fb6771716aac) to root...
Package librpc (2015-11-04-a921e3ded051746f9f7cd5e5a312fb6771716aac) installed in root is up to date.
Package librt (1.0.9-1) installed in root is up to date.
Unknown package 'À*ó^A'.   <================== WTF is this?
Package libssp (4.8-linaro-1) installed in root is up to date.
Package libstdcpp (4.8-linaro-1) installed in root is up to date.
Installing libubox-lua (2015-11-08-10429bccd0dc5d204635e110a7a8fae7b80d16cb) to root...

seems its on librpc dependencies; seems its required by samba … b65f924561

(Last edited by makarel on 13 Dec 2015, 13:46)

hnyman wrote:

You might try to search for the culprit by starting with a really minimal build without additional packages and then adding packages one by one in order to find the one adding the error. (hopefully the error does not materialize in the minimal core system for the router).

That really sucks because my build involves 300+ packages. This means it will take a looooooooooooooooooooooong time.

At any rate, I have been going the other direction. When I randomly picked up a package to remove, i.e. cyrus-sasl, the other error message cropped out as seen below. This time it is the libsndfile package. The error message showed Unknown package '1.0.26' and I was able to trace it to build_dir/target-arm_mpcore_uClibc-1.0.9_eabi/libsndfile-1.0.26 directory.

Installing librpc (2015-11-04-a921e3ded051746f9f7cd5e5a312fb6771716aac) to root...
Package librpc (2015-11-04-a921e3ded051746f9f7cd5e5a312fb6771716aac) installed in root is up to date.
Package librt (1.0.9-1) installed in root is up to date.
Unknown package '1.0.26'.
Package libssp (4.8-linaro-1) installed in root is up to date.
Package libstdcpp (4.8-linaro-1) installed in root is up to date.
Installing libubox-lua (2015-11-08-10429bccd0dc5d204635e110a7a8fae7b80d16cb) to root...
Package libubox (2015-11-08-10429bccd0dc5d204635e110a7a8fae7b80d16cb) installed in root is up to date.
Installing libubus-lua (2015-12-09-766d49876f8f877f4846c16864e7f73b5a3917f7) to root...

When I removed libsndfile package, a new error message (Unknown package '3081101'.) cropped out as shown below. After a crossed reference, I was able to pinpoint to package sqlite3 that previously did not generate such an issue.

Installing librpc (2015-11-04-a921e3ded051746f9f7cd5e5a312fb6771716aac) to root...
Package librpc (2015-11-04-a921e3ded051746f9f7cd5e5a312fb6771716aac) installed in root is up to date.
Package librt (1.0.9-1) installed in root is up to date.
Unknown package '3081101'.
Package libssp (4.8-linaro-1) installed in root is up to date.
Package libstdcpp (4.8-linaro-1) installed in root is up to date.
Installing libubox-lua (2015-11-08-10429bccd0dc5d204635e110a7a8fae7b80d16cb) to root...
Package libubox (2015-11-08-10429bccd0dc5d204635e110a7a8fae7b80d16cb) installed in root is up to date.
Installing libubus-lua (2015-12-09-766d49876f8f877f4846c16864e7f73b5a3917f7) to root...

I have a local apr_svn package that depends on the sqlite3 package. So, I disabled my apr_svn package while the sqlite3 package is still enabled and now a new error message (Unknown package 'Àî^^^B'.) cropped out as shown below. With such an error message, I have no idea which package to remove, except using the random approach as I did before.  sad

Installing librpc (2015-11-04-a921e3ded051746f9f7cd5e5a312fb6771716aac) to root...
Package librpc (2015-11-04-a921e3ded051746f9f7cd5e5a312fb6771716aac) installed in root is up to date.
Package librt (1.0.9-1) installed in root is up to date.
Unknown package 'Àî^^^B'.
Package libssp (4.8-linaro-1) installed in root is up to date.
Package libstdcpp (4.8-linaro-1) installed in root is up to date.
Installing libubox-lua (2015-11-08-10429bccd0dc5d204635e110a7a8fae7b80d16cb) to root...
Package libubox (2015-11-08-10429bccd0dc5d204635e110a7a8fae7b80d16cb) installed in root is up to date.
Installing libubus-lua (2015-12-09-766d49876f8f877f4846c16864e7f73b5a3917f7) to root...
makarel wrote:

from gogle search seems to lead to arabic unicode chars..

Installing librpc (2015-11-04-a921e3ded051746f9f7cd5e5a312fb6771716aac) to root...
Package librpc (2015-11-04-a921e3ded051746f9f7cd5e5a312fb6771716aac) installed in root is up to date.
Package librt (1.0.9-1) installed in root is up to date.
Unknown package 'À*ó^A'.   <================== WTF is this?
Package libssp (4.8-linaro-1) installed in root is up to date.
Package libstdcpp (4.8-linaro-1) installed in root is up to date.
Installing libubox-lua (2015-11-08-10429bccd0dc5d204635e110a7a8fae7b80d16cb) to root...

seems its on librpc dependencies; seems its required by samba … b65f924561

O followed the link you provided above and did not find any mentions of librpc required by samba. Am I missing something?

hnyman wrote:

No clue yet. 1-2 years ago there was some package (clearsilver???) with illegal characters in the maintainer's name. And that caused a bit similar errors already at feed installation, as a tool (grep?) then mistakenly handled the file as a binary file.

Finally, I narrowed down to two packages that caused this issue, i.e. luci-app-hd-idle (LuCI) and zabbix. If one takes a closer look at the feeds/luci/ file, one will notice there is a lot of illegal characters there (based on what you mentioned above). To suppress this problem, I select both luci-app-hd-idle and zabbix packages as a module. Ain't all these packages built as a module in releases and snapshots? TBH, I don't know why zabbix package triggers such an issue, but so far so good.

mazilo wrote:

I narrowed down to two packages that caused this issue, i.e. luci-app-hd-idle (LuCI) and zabbix. If one takes a closer look at the feeds/luci/ file, one will notice there is a lot of illegal characters there (based on what you mentioned above). To suppress this problem, I select both luci-app-hd-idle and zabbix packages as a module. Ain't all these packages built as a module in releases and snapshots?

Do I get you right: you see the error if you select zabbix as =y in .config, but not when you select it as =m. Right?

Do you use/compile any language translations? One possible reason might be something strange in those two packages' translation files (*.po).

I find it hard to believe that there would be "illegal characters" in (probably you mean the language names), as that would surely generate for many users.

Do you get the error also at the end of a single-threaded compile? or just with j4? And is the STRIP=true needed for the error?

(Last edited by hnyman on 1 Jan 2016, 18:16)

In my case, I accidentally put some *.ipk files in bin/ramips/pacakges/xxx/ folder.
modify package/Makefile, line 98, you can print a list of files to be installed, that's all strange names comes from.

another case, I accidentally put libdaemon-xxx.ipk in both bin/ramips/packages/base & bin/ramips/packages/packages folder.

remember, the output of compiler crash has nothing to do with this root causes. so, simply ignore it, and troubleshoot by work through package/Makefile, line 98, by narrow down the ipk that caused the problem.

The discussion might have continued from here.