OpenWrt Forum Archive

Topic: Raspberry Pi - pseudo-Bridge : eth to wifi

The content of this topic has been archived on 7 Apr 2018. There are no obvious gaps in this topic, but there may still be some posts missing at the end.

Hi everyone,

i am trying to configure a pseudo-bridge on Barrier Breaker 14.07 with Raspberry Pi and i would really like your help because i can't find a way to do it from eth to wifi.

This is my current setup

I have already configured  Nanostation loco M2 (official Ubnt Firmware) to act as a bridge and connected to the Router but there is no line of sight with each other and the connection isn't really good.
so i came up with the idea to get closer and in the line of sight with my Raspberry Pi and then create a bridge from ethernet  to wifi.

I thing the image explains it really well.

and so i flashed  Barrier Breaker 14.07 on Raspberry Pi B which works with no issues
i logged in the panel from the browser and i installed the firmware for my TP-LINK Usb Adapter
then i tried to scan through the Wifi panel so i can test the wifi dongle and it worked as expected.

Now wat? i tried to create different interfaces and bridge them but i can't find a way to do it right.

Ofc i have ssh access and i tried to manipulate the /etc/config/network & /etc/config/wireless files but i can't seem to find any examples on the net on how to do it from ethernet to usb-wifi and work as a bridge.

Any ideas?

(Last edited by boing on 5 Jan 2016, 03:09)

You need the relayd package it will do the bridging for you. Maybe the following site gonna help you it shows how to bridge wireless lan to ethernet but should be the same or quite similar

(Last edited by Taulin on 5 Jan 2016, 08:06)

The discussion might have continued from here.