We're starting on a few long overdue site updates in the next few days, starting with a new front page.
I hope everyone likes the new theme; I've tried to make it render on all major browsers, even ones with horribly broken CSS support like Internet Explorer. We've also tossed out the new blog engine and replaced it with a new front end that leverages the forum engine; this basically just means that all of the front page news items also become forum posts and you can use the forum to comment on them or track them.
Have news you'd like to share?
Write to us at openwrt-devel(at)openwrt.org
The latest release is (still) RC5; We're overdue for a new version very soon, but I probably should point out some major changes to the roadmap that are slowing things down:
- The WhiteRussian branch is getting stale
- The next WhiteRussian release will be RC6, and it will kick off 0.9 (not 1.0)
- The development branch, Kamikaze is getting a major overhaul called builroot-ng
- Parts of Kamikaze (including buildroot-ng) will then be merged into WhiteRussian for 1.0
There will be one more release of the current WhiteRussian code called rc6; if that proves stable then it will just be renamed to 0.9. Then work begins on the overhaul, merging the Buildroot-ng environment back into Kamikaze (all that's left is documenting Buildroot-ng and porting over the packages) and we start merging Kamikaze back into the WhiteRussian branch, this will become the basis for 1.0.