I got some A5-V11 for a mesh project from AliExpress
On the Board itself is "MIFI"
details of my device so far:
WIFI: 3G-wifi-xxxx
PW: 12345678
English an Chinese GUI in the stock firmware.
The instruction from https://wiki.openwrt.org/toh/unbranded/a5-v11
(As of 160201, my A5-V11, which came with English web interface, did not successfully flash the openwrt factory.bin firmware referenced at the head of this section. It downloaded the file, and then said it was flashing, but the original firmware remained unchanged. - fix: check this website http://my-embedded.blogspot.cz/2014/01/ … 350f.html)
OpenWrt started. But after change of the root passwd i lost telnet and ssh do not work. (one hour wait for key calculation)
I can ping the device
is there an other way to get OpenWrt on this A5-V11 3G/4G Router Clone?
I have 15 of them.
(For the bricked one i will try to solder UART)
=== IMPORTANT ============================
Use 'passwd' to set your login password
this will disable telnet and enable SSH
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BARRIER BREAKER (Bleeding Edge, r35407) - RT5350F
-- Cooked by pratanczuk --
-- --
-- my-embedded.blogspot.com --
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