=== additionally couple of questions ===
Q1: what is lede-re450.bin ?
Q2: In which mode you operated your TPLINK when you measured that 94mbps throughput? I noticed that you had relatively old version of u-boot flashed and at that time AP mode maybe was not yet supported by TP-LINK. All my test I have done were in AP mode not in the repeater mode.
Thanks for the instructions. About your questions:
Q1: Just renamed your bin file from Git to make it easier for me on the serial console.
Q2: I was on your actual Lede version during the tests. I tested it with IPerf3. Do you (or the others) have some performance measurements? I think I have a problem in my network setup.
I'm now having a newer U-Boot version (after the upgrade to the May version of the TPLink firmware).