Dataentry created for TL-WR740N v6: … -wr740n_v6
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The content of this topic has been archived between 8 Feb 2018 and 22 Apr 2018. There are no obvious gaps in this topic, but there may still be some posts missing at the end.
Dataentry created for TL-WR740N v6: … -wr740n_v6
Please fill in missing information if available.
Simply superb. Thanks so much. Is there any way to make Barrier Breaker 14.07 running on this version?
Hi Guys,
Thanks for the support to this model. I bought the same router few days back to check openwrt. Am very new to the openwrt coming from Windows experience. Could you please help to apply the above mentioned patch or either to edit the image header. Also refer me some easy docs to understand the whole build process & environment of openwrt.
Thanks a ton.
Okay I got it working !!
Here is what I did to make it work.
Take the TL-WR841N Version 10 Openwrt factory image. Edit the header to reflect 740N V6 and change the checksum to the new value. Then flash through TFTP. The 740N V6 router downlaods the image, reboots and works perfectly. I can access Luci. Wifi is working so are the LED's and the LAN ports.
This hopefully confirms that the TL-WR740N V6 has the same hardware as the 841N V10. I will request the Dev team to please add support for the TL-WR740N V6 in the proper fashion since it already is present in the 841N V10 tree.
I followed the steps mentioned here … 67#p206667, edited the header and checksum value. But still getting error message (code: 18005) when uploading the edited .bin using tp-link's web portal. Any help to proceed further is much appreciated
(Last edited by MuruganDurai on 26 May 2016, 16:01)
Is there a chance of getting a .bin for the v6?
(Last edited by Bal0r on 30 May 2016, 13:14)
You can change header with this tool: TP路由固件头修改工具.exe
08410010 and 00000001 to
07400006 and 00000001
DD-WRT 05-19-2016-r29739: … -ddwrt.bin
OpenWRT 15.05.1 (link from first page): … actory.bin
(Last edited by vladizlat on 30 May 2016, 13:46)
Hi Guys, I finished setting up openwrt using tftp method with the help of … vered.html. Can anyone lead me to find correct or working material for setting up coovachilli with radiusdesk for social login, I already implemented radiusdesk at cloud with ubuntu. Dont know which material to follow for coovachilli & lot of them are confusing.
(Last edited by MuruganDurai on 2 Jun 2016, 19:40)
Any progress on that .bin file for the non tech-savvy folk?
Any progress on that .bin file for the non tech-savvy folk?
Here you go. This is the .bin file which worked at my router.
Bal0r wrote:Any progress on that .bin file for the non tech-savvy folk?
Here you go. This is the .bin file which worked at my router.
It's tested right? It won't brick it or anything?
Also, can I update through the standart firmware updater or do I need to follow that tutorial?
EDIT: Tested it. Worked. Thanks!
(Last edited by Bal0r on 14 Jun 2016, 20:13)
Thank you guys for what have you done, any quick guide how to apply this patch to trunk, I read about quilt, but seems it is not present on my system
hi i bought wr740n v6 i want upgrad to openwrt from he standart firmware updater ...i am new with openwrt ..
hi i bought wr740n v6 i want upgrad to openwrt from he standart firmware updater ...i am new with openwrt ..
there is a file on post #34
named wr740v6_tp_recovery you have to upload via TFTP using this method … vered.html
that info is in post #32
I dont see any other way to flash today new TL routers cause of the FCC regulations
confirm with someone if that file has LuCi (web interface)
i installed openwrt on my wr740n v6 ..working fine but router tx power is too low its 18dbm.. on tplink website they said its txpower is 30 dbm to increase tx power of my router ?
tplink website they said its txpower is 30 dbm to increase tx power of my router ?
has never been 30 dbm
Thanks a lot for your help. Hopefully lot of people will benefit for this in the coming days. My V6 routers are already working in production flawlessly. Have 5 of them already doing duty out in the field.
Hi guys, first thanks alot for you best effort in generate the firmware for the wr740n V6. Second, i'm brazilian, and i use the image, generate for you, in the wr740n v6(BR) works fine, but the led power don't turn on and instead the led padlock gets on directly. I wonder if you have any suggestions of how to solve this problem. Thanks alot again.
please help me i am in stock firmware for tplink wr740n v6
i need to flash dd wrt for my 802-1x configuration
how can it be done please help me
i had already bricked one router i dont want to brick it again
i need to flash dd wrt
i had already bricked one router i dont want to brick it again
And for the bricked one read here … uters.html
I'm not good at posting ticket to developpers, but looks like reset button is not properly configured and cannot be used to enter failsafe mode. Please someone confirm that and post ticked to developers.
looks like reset button is not properly configured
740 OFF
nothing connected to 740 (lan & Wan ports)
now press reset button and keep holding it pressed
turn on 740
after 10 or 15 seconds, has to go into Failsafe
try more than once
can you tell me how to edited the .bin file? any tutorial you have?
Hi I am new to opewrt. I have a tplink router of WR740N, V6. Can you give me the working download file or link to set my router for openwrt?
Thanks in advance.
Can you give me the working download file or link to set my router for openwrt?
read this post, its here
I've got really bad news regarding the new TP Link firmware version TL-WR740N(EU)_V6_160325.
According to documentation, once this one is flashed, the router could not be downgraded any more.
The EU firmware was specialized for CE certificating and can’t be downgraded to other version, please click here for choosing your region and selecting the most suitable firmware version to upgrade.
Unfortunately I already had bricked it, and in the rush, flashed this particular version. Now I am not able to flash anything else, neither by tftp or http method.
I guess that the algorithm by which u-Boot and httpd checks the CRC is changed.
Any advice or solution?
Bricked or flashed Trunk
For bricked read post #43
If flashed a Trunk version those don't have gui
Connect via Putty/SSH to and write passwd and write admin hit enter again admin hit enter again, you had set password its admin, if you succeed it's not bricked, has a Trunk (snapshots) version