Geraner wrote:Awesome. Thanks for your answer!
One more question.
What is actually the different compared to the LEDE RC2 version, and your version?
Excapt that you may are been using new Wifi drivers than LEDE RC2.
Do I undstand, that LEDE is a more "naked/clean" software, while your version has some addional software packages already installed?
The best way I can explain it is that 3rd party builds are "snapshots" in time. Every day, improvements are made to the source code. In fact there are days where there can be 50 code improvements, or more, added to the source. So, if you have a "snapshot", the day the source code was downloaded and built, includes all the bug fixes, drivers, kernel changes, etc. to that that very day. Something that I do differently, is all of the packages for that specific snapshot are saved on the server and are not over written for the next snapshot. This can be a huge advantage for those who don't upgrade as often, and want to add/download and install packages to their builds at a later time because those packages for their specific snapshot will be there. Something else I do, when needed, is to include patches that may not be in the source code. One example would be the current nslookup patch. Currently there's a issue with busybox that doesn't play well with nslookup, and causes Dynamic DNS to fail to update. Okay, so what about an official release. Releases will include all of the latest updates, patches, kernel's etc, but they too are snapshots in time, in a technical sense, because they don't get the daily changes in the source code, drivers, etc. Official releases will only come out so often, and this may be one of the reasons why one will find snapshots and 3rd party snapshots as they usually contain newer code especially when it comes to wifi drivers.
Lastly, I tend to think of snapshots as being "bleeding edge", as opposed to Releases which when new are near the bleeding edge, but over time miss out on the fixes, driver updates, etc. That doesn't mean a Release shouldn't be used. Actually, releases can be a necessity, in many situations, depending on the requirements.