My project has 3 pc & 1 linksys wrt54gs-openwrt
the connection is something like this
dont ask me why I choosed this way, I just wanted to play
pc1 is workstation
pc2 is slackware server with apache, dns, dhcp
pc3 is laptop with an intel 2011 wifi card
at pc2 the dhcp server is enabled only for the eth0
at linksys is running dhcp server only for the wifi0
at wrt-dchp configuration, I gave the pc2-ip for
dns-server-ip, right ?
the pc2-dchp works fine at pc1
but when pc3 connects to wrt-wifi0 it gets wrong
dns-server-ip. actually the given ip is the wrt-wifi0.
isn't it wrong ?
how can wrt-dchp give other pc's dns-server-ip ?