OpenWrt Forum Archive

Topic: TPlink WA901ND V4 Wrong Firmware (openwrt) installed. NO ADMIN PANEL

The content of this topic has been archived on 10 Apr 2018. There are no obvious gaps in this topic, but there may still be some posts missing at the end.

Hello everybody, Please help me. Iv little bit knowledge of router
Yesterday I bought TP WA901ND v4.
I was trying to install OPENWRT... I Installed via admin panel the firmware: openwrt-ar71xx-generic-tl-wa901nd-v4-squashfs-factory.bin
After Installation I cant go in the admin panel anymore. The Wan works BUT I dont see green light WIFI.
How can I get the default firmware?
I dont know what I have to do. I saw failsafe, uboot, tftp like things. But which one works for my router?

Please help me,
Kind of regards,

(Last edited by m.e.celen on 13 Jun 2016, 17:29)

The default configuration for OpenWrt has wifi disabled; you need to connect using a cable and enable it.
And all "trunk" versions of OpenWrt lack the admin interface LuCi, you need to install it afterwards.

Hallo Eduperez,

Thanks for your explanation,

I was trying to log in admin panel. Iv tried connect with cable and then automatic or manual ip adres (,, etc) but i could not in the admin panel.

But which cable? network cable? I used network cable but how can I enable it?

I need to install luCi afterwards, how do I instal this interface?

Im little noob...can you explain me...

Kind of regards,

What do you exactly mean by "admin panel"? The text terminal, or the web interface?
Which exact version did you install? Is it a stable release or is it a trunk release?

You need to use an ehternet cable, then connect using TELNET.

Hi Eduperez,,

Admin panel is the web interface of TP-Link wa901nd. ( via google chrome with cable, standart methode)

In that admin panel of the TP link wa901nd I installed firmware to use openwrt. (succesfull completed installation)

its a trunk I think: … x/generic/


download file: openwrt-ar71xx-generic-tl-wa901nd-v4-squashfs-factory.bin

After installation this file, I could not use the wifi accespoint. Only wan cable does work.

Today I installed ubuntu server(lucid the gui) in virtualbox with OpenSSH and Lamp Server and then I stopped tongue.

I just want to use hotspot in my new router (TPLINK). If a customer would like to use internet, he/she has first log in to social media(like/share/reviews) or email adres to use free hotspot internet. After that I would like to monitoring/analyzing..etc.

But now im testing with a tplink routers.. if its works i will do for all routers.

Im not an expert in developing, im a sales/marketeer expert tongue
But i know little bit about routers ^^

Ok, so the "admin panel" in OpenWrt is called LuCi, and it is not installed on "trunk" versions. Do you have any reason not to use the latest stable release? On the other hand, wifi is disabled by default on all versions of OpenWrt, so your first connection must be done using a cable.

I just hope you did not confuse OpenWrt's LuCi with Ubuntu's Lucid, because they are completely unrelated.

Have a look at the following guides to understand what tasks are you expected to perform now:

LuCi wont fit in a  4MB router, you have to sysugrade and flash a bin from Chaos Calmer or Barrier Braker I advise BB, and have to be done via WinSCP and Putty if you are Linux read here

There's no stable versions for the v4 hardware, only trunk. If you want the LuCi webUI you have to compile OpenWrt yourself, or you could try this (I have no idea if this is a fake or not): … -with-LuCI

tunk wrote:

There's no stable versions for the v4 hardware, only trunk. If you want the LuCi webUI you have to compile OpenWrt yourself, or you could try this (I have no idea if this is a fake or not): … -with-LuCI

Its not fake, its a pre-compiled chaos calmer 15.05 image for the tp-link wa901nd v4 with LuCi included . To access the files I need to manually activate the account .. the spammers and bots are to thank for that. just send me a pm after registration so I know your not a spammer or a bot and I will activate the account.



Oh oke, I had no reason for that latest version firmware..just installed. I thought I can use a new admin panel with more features, like social login (hotspot function). but no way tongue.

Im also confused with the ubuntu server.

But danymarc said LuCi wont work. I have to install sysugrade and flash a bin from Barrier Braker...

im going to research sysugrade and flash a bin from barrier braker. Im not a linux expert... Its very difficult to use openwrt with LuCi for now..

A question, I see some codes:

sysupgrade -v /tmp/filename-of-downloaded-sysupgrade.bin

opkg update
opkg install luci

opkg install luci-ssl # enable https for luci

Where I have put this codes and at the same time put my TPlink router utp cable in my laptop?

I have to use terminal (ios mac)? or msdos (windows)? or ubuntu server?

I have installed ftfp server, ubuntu server, webmim but its not use full..

Im trying everything and i will not give up and reading 3 times to understand. Iv no problem with that. So give me please advice and I will do it!

Hostle 19. I have send pm smile

Hostle, can i have hte file to please ? i have allready subscribe to FireWrt, bud still needs activation THX. ;-)

hostle19 wrote:
tunk wrote:

There's no stable versions for the v4 hardware, only trunk. If you want the LuCi webUI you have to compile OpenWrt yourself, or you could try this (I have no idea if this is a fake or not): … -with-LuCI

Its not fake, its a pre-compiled chaos calmer 15.05 image for the tp-link wa901nd v4 with LuCi included . To access the files I need to manually activate the account .. the spammers and bots are to thank for that. just send me a pm after registration so I know your not a spammer or a bot and I will activate the account.


please approve my ID, i want to download the file for 901ND v4
ID: ishtiaq004

hostle19 wrote:

Its not fake, its a pre-compiled chaos calmer 15.05 image for the tp-link wa901nd v4 with LuCi included . To access the files I need to manually activate the account .. the spammers and bots are to thank for that. just send me a pm after registration so I know your not a spammer or a bot and I will activate the account.


Sir, I registered but didn't receive the activation email. I want to download the pre-compiled TL-WA901ND V4 OpenWRT file. Please help. My registered ID was "myandylai78"

Thank you.

The discussion might have continued from here.