OpenWrt Forum Archive

Topic: [Free for development] several NETGEAR WNAP210v2

The content of this topic has been archived on 15 Apr 2018. There are no obvious gaps in this topic, but there may still be some posts missing at the end.

Hi everyone,

I can send over a few NETGEAR WNAP210v2 units, in case anyone is willing to take them on for development. I'm based in the UK.

(I noticed they are on the OpenWrt Wanted list, and I just upgraded the network I work with to use MikroTik units instead because the stock WNAP210 units are rubbish. )

Hit me up if interested please!



The WNAP210(v1) is an Atheros-based board - do you have hardware info about the v2 ?


The discussion might have continued from here.