OpenWrt Forum Archive

Topic: interfacing with RS 485 based network (profibus ,modbus)

The content of this topic has been archived on 29 Mar 2018. There are no obvious gaps in this topic, but there may still be some posts missing at the end.

is there any way of interfacing a openwrt based system with RS 485 based network (profibus ,modbus) there a very simple circuit can be as rs232 to rs485 converter

there could be lots of it like in industrial network and also as OPC application

also if  some one know any profibus code written for serial ports let me know about it


its great work that you people doing

Syed Farooq Hasny

You just need to connect some RS-485 transceiver chips.

I found also a solution, its possible to copy all pymodbus files in the python directory under openwrt.
Then you can import pymodbus in a pythonscript. So it runs perfectly.
Another way is, you use modbus_tk, it is also 100% compatible with pythonscripts...

The discussion might have continued from here.