OpenWrt Forum Archive

Topic: Tp-Link CPE210 V1.1

The content of this topic has been archived on 1 Apr 2018. There are no obvious gaps in this topic, but there may still be some posts missing at the end.

How i can find a openwrt firmware for CPC210 v1.1 with Luci ?
Can someone to make a firmware (bin) file to upload ?

i found supported firmware in for CPE210 v1.1
After success flash i login with putty and i can ping my router but i have no internet.
My gateway router is in and i can ping it.

I found some commands but steel have no internet on my device to update with luci

This is the commands :
uci set network.lan.proto=static
uci set network.lan.ipaddr=
uci set network.lan.netmask=
uci set network.lan.gateway=
uci set network.lan.dns=''
uci commit network
/etc/init.d/network restart
uci set network.wan.proto=static
uci set network.wan.ipaddr=
uci set network.wan.netmask=
uci set network.wan.gateway=
uci set network.wan.dns=''
uci commit network
/etc/init.d/network restart

but i can't access internet to download Luci.


thanasis77 wrote:

i found supported firmware in for CPE210 v1.1
After success flash i login with putty and i can ping my router but i have no internet.
My gateway router is in and i can ping it.

the problem could be your Gateway 1.253, OpenWrt by default uses same Gateway 1.1,
change the gateway to Pharos to a dif. one from 1
uci del network.wan
uci set network.lan.ipaddr=
uci set network.lan.netmask=
uci set network.lan.dns=
uci set network.lan.nat=1
uci set network.lan.accept_ra=1
uci set dhcp.lan.dynamicdhcp=1
uci set network.wan=interface
uci set network.wan.proto=dhcp
uci show wireless
uci set wireless.radio0.disabled=0
uci commit wireless
if you need to go back to stock use this … Pharos-CPE
I could never do it in Win XP or Win-10
only on Win-7

(Last edited by danymarc on 5 Aug 2016, 19:52)

Yes i have internet on wireless and connection is ok
but steel with putty i can't have internet to update the CPE210
with "opkg update" to install Luci or other packs

Can you help me ?
I am newbe to linux...


i have cpe210 which i got from Limassol, Cyprus. no matter what i do it says Failed when i try to upload the openwrt file to the pharos to upgrade firmware any ideas?

Flashing "openwrt-15.05.1-ar71xx-generic-cpe210-220-510-520-squashfs-factory.bin" (md5sum: c756a1f59b2f8e292b8921d1d9b8f7de ) didn`t worked for me nether. It always says "Failed".
Now I'm running LEDE.

If you get to the point where you have to click "restore", but there is only a "cancel"-button try to disable all firefox addons -_-`

Guys I'm trying to understand all that is going on. I want o flash openWRT on my CPE210 v1.1. I'v red everything. I still can't get what to do because everyone is saying his own. Is there an image that supports v1.1 and has LuCI preinstalled? If not is there an image without Luci for v1.1? If not how do I edit safeloader with what you said and then recompile it - direct me to the right post if it exists? (I don't have linux and I 'm not very familiar with it)

The discussion might have continued from here.