Hi everyone,
I have 2x Ubiquiti Bullet M2 HP devices that I would like to setup as a hotspot. I really want to run OpenWRT but am having trouble getting the firmware to take. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Here is where I am at:
Device 2:
- Started with Firmware AirOS XM 5.6.8
- Downgraded to AirOS XM 5.5.11
- Downgraded to AirOS XM 5.3.6 (the re-release version with all MAC address support, for newer devices)
- Device works fine with AirOS XM 5.3.6
- Installed OpenWRT (openwrt-ar71xx-generic-ubnt-bullet-m-squashfs-factory) via Update in UBNT Web Management, left for 20min, rebooted device, no IP-address given by DHCP server. No IP found assigned using IPScan.
- Recovery mode - TFTP, back to AirOS XM 5.3.6, left for 20 min, rebooted, back to
- Installed OpenWRT (openwrt-ar71xx-generic-ubnt-bullet-m-squashfs-factory) via Recovery TFTP method, status = success, left for 20 min, rebooted, no IP-address given by DHCP server. No IP found assigned using IPScan.
- Recovery mode - TFTP, back to AirOS XM 5.3.6, left for 20 min, rebooted, back to
- Installed OpenWRT (openwrt-ar71xx-generic-ubnt-bullet-m-squashfs-factory) via SSH terminal. Again, installed fine, left for 20 min, rebooted, no IP-address given by DHCP server. No IP found assigned using IPScan.
Device 1:
- Pretty sure I bricked it because I didn't downgrade the AirOS before applying the OpenWRT firmware.
- Is there anything I can do? It still goes to recovery mode. But AirOS 5.6.8 says installed, but doesn't boot. Have not tried all the different AirOS firmwares.
Not sure where to go next. I don't want to brick device 2.
(Last edited by jamesgid on 12 Aug 2016, 03:29)