Hello, can be Archer C1200 V1 supported?
Here its GPL Code http://www.tp-link.com/resources/gpl/Ar … GPL.tar.gz
(Last edited by frenky55 on 23 Aug 2016, 09:51)
The content of this topic has been archived on 21 Apr 2018. There are no obvious gaps in this topic, but there may still be some posts missing at the end.
Hello, can be Archer C1200 V1 supported?
Here its GPL Code http://www.tp-link.com/resources/gpl/Ar … GPL.tar.gz
(Last edited by frenky55 on 23 Aug 2016, 09:51)
I checked the router's spec, it has the BCM47189 processor.
I found this: wiki.openwrt.org/doc/hardware/soc/soc.broadcom.bcm47xx
Is there any generic OpenWrt image that can be installed?
I am also intersted with the C1200 Tp-Link routeur with OpenWrt since the C5 AC1200 is discontinued and this one is the replacement.
I'm also interested in this model.
Same here
any update ?
thanks guys
+1 I'm interested too
Is it this model?
Any news on it?
Is it this model?
Yes, u can flash this image to it, it's compatible: wiki.openwrt.org/doc/hardware/soc/soc.broadcom.bcm47xx
(Last edited by fjkum on 4 May 2017, 03:00)
Yes, u can flash this image to it, it's compatible: wiki.openwrt.org/doc/hardware/soc/soc.broadcom.bcm47xx
tryied to find, but i can not the .bin image file for Archer C1200
I have the same problem
There are only images for Linksys devices.
(Last edited by adam27 on 2 Jul 2017, 22:46)
I'm also interested in this model.!!
There are versions V1 - V3 available now, but the original firmware is really not nice. It's sold worldwide, for around 50 bucks so more people will buy it.
Further information from the GPL source package about the SOC.
cd boards/model_brcm_bcm470x/build
make PRODUCT_NAME=c1200v1_eu iplatform_prep
make PRODUCT_NAME=c1200v1_eu iplatform_menuconfig
make PRODUCT_NAME=c1200v1_eu sdk_menuconfig
make PRODUCT_NAME=c1200v1_eu sdk
make PRODUCT_NAME=c1200v1_eu iplatform
(Last edited by TuxHHGer on 13 Aug 2017, 11:44)
unfortunately, I still do not know which image to install
There is no specific image available for the Archer C1200, neither in OpenWrt nor in LEDE.
There is not a single device with this SoC supported by OpenWrt.
There is only a single device with this SoC supported by LEDE: Tenda AC9.
There is no specific image available for the Archer C1200, neither in OpenWrt nor in LEDE.
There is not a single device with this SoC supported by OpenWrt.
There is only a single device with this SoC supported by LEDE: Tenda AC9.
Not good. Anyway, thank you very much for your reply.
(Last edited by adam27 on 23 Feb 2018, 12:32)
My C1200 v2 (EU) on the latest official firmware is actually running a custom version of OpenWRT 12.09rc1. I managed to enable dropbear and SSH into it and escalated to root to take a look around as I was running into some issues that I wanted to debug. I don't have experience with porting and developing on LEDE/OpenWRT (just as user on my previous routers). Anyone can point me in the right direction to make something out of it?
(x-post to the LEDE forum)
The discussion might have continued from here.