OpenWrt Forum Archive

Topic: OpenWRT Installed. But Cant connect to

The content of this topic has been archived on 4 May 2018. There are no obvious gaps in this topic, but there may still be some posts missing at the end.

Hello Buddies,
(First of all i admit i am a newbie in this router firmware flashing thing)
My Router Specs

  • Company: Tp-Link

  • Model No.: TL-WR740N V:5.0

  • Last Installed firmware: Stock firmware from Tp Link

What have i done?

  • I downloaded firmware file (.bin) from

  • I accessed my modem from chrome via and flashed the above file in firmware upgrade tab

  • It said Firmware upgrade successful

  • Then it restarted my Router

Thats All till now.

Now I cant login to my router neither via nor via It says "Site refused to connect"

What I have done to resolve?

  • I disabled Firewall from my Antivirus Quick Heal Total Security

  • I disabled Windows firewall

  • Check, but dont get what to do (yea i am newbie)

Please guide me.


That wiki page refers to a snapshot version of the firmware. These are build without Luci, so there is no webinterface. You'll have to login over ssh. (In Windows you can use PuTTY for that).
Maybe it's possible to install Lucy

opkg update
opkg install luci

but that box doesn't have too much flash, so maybe it won't fit.

Thanks for the reply.
But i have a problem here.
1). I have 64Bit Windows OS.. But I hope x86 version of Putty will work fine on that too.
2). I Cant have access of internet on the OpenWRT of Router, but i have internet access on my another MODEM. So i cant directly download Luci on OpenWRT Router. But i am confused how to download Luci Manually and flash on router.

I am newbie.. Please provide me simple and newbie steps if you can afford.. Thanks

Another problem occurs sad

I cant login via telnet.
I opened Putty. Selected telnet and put with port 23...
It says "Network Error. Connection Refused."

Mijzelf wrote:

You'll have to login over ssh.

vinaybathinda wrote:

Another problem occurs sad

I cant login via telnet.
I opened Putty. Selected telnet and put with port 23...
It says "Network Error. Connection Refused."

telnet is not ssh.
Select ssh instead of telnet in Putty.

vinaybathinda wrote:

2). I Cant have access of internet on the OpenWRT of Router, but i have internet access on my another MODEM. So i cant directly download Luci on OpenWRT Router. But i am confused how to download Luci Manually and flash on router.

You can use WinSCP to upload the needed packages to the /tmp directory on the router. Then in your ssh shell you can install it using

cd /tmp 
okpg install <whatever>.ipk

The packages for your router can be found here … /packages/. The package name stops at the first _, so luci is actually (luci/)luci_git-16.237.78341-d5f8c9b-1_all.ipk.

When installing luci, opkg will complain about the dependencies, which you'll have to locate, download and install first.

Mijzelf wrote:

You can use WinSCP to upload the needed packages to the /tmp directory on the router. Then in your ssh shell you can install it using

cd /tmp 
okpg install <whatever>.ipk

What username and password would i have to input in WinSCP to connect to router?

hnyman wrote:

telnet is not ssh.
Select ssh instead of telnet in Putty.

Well it is connecting via ssh, but it is asking for username and password. What username and password i have to input?

Username is root, no password. Maybe you'll have to change the password (using the passwd command) before WinSCP can login. Don't know if it can handle empty passwords.

Mijzelf wrote:

When installing luci, opkg will complain about the dependencies, which you'll have to locate, download and install first.

Phew! Finally i am a step closer!
As you said it collected some errors.  It is looking for dependencies what to do now?

It is asking for

  • uhttpd

  • uhttpd-mod-ubus

  • luci-mod-admin-full

  • luci-theme-bootstrap

  • luci-app-firewall

  • luci-proto-ppp

  • libiwinfo-lua

  • luci-proto-ipv6

vinaybathinda wrote:
Mijzelf wrote:

which you'll have to locate, download and install first.

While installing packages, it is saying out of space.

What should i do?

(Last edited by vinaybathinda on 4 Sep 2016, 02:25)

Ok.. i revert back to official tp link firmware as this firmware is giving me headache now..

Found a Dd-wrt beta build by someone.. i ll try that now.

Thanks everyone for  supporting me and helping me in such an appreciable way.

(Last edited by vinaybathinda on 4 Sep 2016, 08:03)

vinaybathinda wrote:

While installing packages, it is saying out of space.

What should i do?

There are several options. First, you don't actually need the webinterface to configure the router. Everything can be done using the command line. But of course it's a bit more difficult.

The filesystem consists of 2 parts. One part is read-only and contains the pre-installed packages, and the other part (the remaining part) is read-write, and is used for configuration, and installing additional packages. In both parts compression is used, but the compression of the read-only part is better. So it is possible that Luci will fit if it's 'build-in'.

You can configure your own firmware if you compile it yourself, but you can also use the image builder, which can be downloaded from the same page as the firmware. Problem is that you'll need a (64 bits) Linux PC to compile firmware or to use the image builder.

Slightly OT: There's a *much* better alternative to Putty on Windows.

Check out Cmder - it has ssh built into a standard Windows command line.

(Last edited by richbhanover on 5 Sep 2016, 12:23)

vinaybathinda wrote:

Ok.. i revert back to official tp link firmware as this firmware is giving me headache now..

Good, just being curious, did you. use WinSCP + SSH or TP-Link recovery tool

danymarc wrote:

Good, just being curious, did you. use WinSCP + SSH or TP-Link recovery tool

I used tftputils and official firmware to set my router at official stage. You may refer this video:

(Last edited by vinaybathinda on 6 Sep 2016, 03:58)

The discussion might have continued from here.