Hello guys i have an DG834GT router and want to flash them with openwrt.
I followed all the step on the following link
https://wiki.openwrt.org/toh/netgear/dg … _the_image
i am windows user and used cygwin and edited the last line
./mkimage.sh DG834GT_V1.02.16.img openwrt-96348gw-10-squashfs-cfe.bin openwrt-DG834GT-
according to my file names and hit enter
and it showed this
./mkimage.sh: line 2: $'\r': command not found
./mkimage.sh: line 28: syntax error: unexpected end of file
please help any suggestions are highly appreciated
(Last edited by ashishbhogesara on 8 Sep 2016, 08:09)