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Topic: * HooToo Wireless Router AC1200, 4 Antennas USB 3.0 Port, Dual Bands *

The content of this topic has been archived on 21 Apr 2018. There are no obvious gaps in this topic, but there may still be some posts missing at the end.

HooToo went and did it...!
They made their own brand Dual Band AC only $69.99 USD
Will OpenWRT be making any firmware version for this?

There's no real specs of what's inside, and the link to the user manual at HooToo is Error 404 smile
See it here... At HooToo. … outer.html

There's not even any mention if there's a 1 Gbit Ethernet set...or slower 100 Mbit ones.
Anyone else also hear of this latest HooToo model, and have additional info about it?
Please let us all know. wink … B01JL2LYSE

(Last edited by HooTooJunkie on 9 Sep 2016, 17:03)

I'm not clear on who owns who, but think they are sourcing the item.

There is a manual in the filing, but no mention of GB LAN ports.
The internal photos are not good enough to see what the chips say.

None of the reviews seem to address the issue either.


The PDF of the internal photos...

Yeah, not much there, but interesting to see how the design of the PCB looks.

The Users Manual --->

I think I remember reading that the parent Co. of SunValleyTek was in fact...
Shenzhen MTC Co., LTD
I may be wrong, but I do remember reading that name associated with SunValleyTek, somewhere.

They also own several others, like RAVpower ... TAOtronics ... and a few others.

Anyway... I can't see how they'd not use 1 GBit Ethernet ports, but being a budget priced router,
ya never know. smile

I read it has a VPN Server, and an FTP File Server too, besides the streaming of videos, all built-in.
Plus printer support
I wonder if they also added the streamingMPEG package for cameras, too

That USB3.0 really makes me want to get one now, haha.

It looks like it may be more based in the OpenWRT format... The default IP shown in the users manual is
Not even the Users Manual from the FCC site shows the specs of this routers Ethernet ports big_smile HooToo...why?

This is just the prototype user manual, because the actual IP for the retail model is
---according to their own website info about it. ---
Maybe when they post the actual official Owners Manual on the HooToo site, we'll know more.

(Last edited by HooTooJunkie on 11 Sep 2016, 22:34)

Well... The official Users Manual is up at HooToo for it, but it still doesn't mention what's inside. … uction.pdf

They're being very secretive about it, when all the others they sell mentioned the main chip number.

I'll just have to ask them directly.. big_smile ..

I was going to get the AR300M, several days ago, but when this one came out, ...I need to see of it's better.

(Last edited by HooTooJunkie on 12 Sep 2016, 06:43)

So, I am tempted to purchase.  I did some looking around here and other places as well.  Thank you for this info so far HooTooJunkie:

HooTooJunkie wrote:

The PDF of the internal photos...

The Users Manual --->

I think I remember reading that the parent Co. of SunValleyTek was in fact...
Shenzhen MTC Co., LTD
I may be wrong, but I do remember reading that name associated with SunValleyTek, somewhere.

They also own several others, like RAVpower ... TAOtronics ... and a few others.

That USB3.0 really makes me want to get one now, haha.

I took that those bits and perused found this:



searching for MT7621A brings about a few results but this one:

may shed some light on the SOC that is driving the internals of this router. 

Obviously it would be best to get some high res shots of the chips on the board just to be sure.   But I am betting those specs on that site for this SOC are the ones:

MediaTek MT7621A -  880 MHz MIPS® 1004KEc™ dual-core CPU, a 5-port Gigabit Ethernet switch

and I am also betting that all of these features for this SOC are not put to use but here they are anyway:


    MIPS1004Kc 880 MHz(2), 32 KB-I-Cache, 32KB D-Cache, 256KB L2 Cache,  w/ SMP capable
    5p GbE SW+RGMII
    16b DDR2/3 up to 256/512 Mbytes
    SPI(2 CS), NAND Flash, SDXC, eMMC
    USB3(1), USB2(1)
    PCIe Host(3)
    Audio interface (SPDIF-Tx, I2S, PCM)
    HW storage accelerator
    2Gbps IPv4/6 routing, NAT, NAPT+HQoS
    HW Crypto Engine 200 Mbps IPSec throughput
    Firmware: Linux 2.6.36/3.10 SDK, OpenWrt
    iNIC Driver (RGMII): Linux 2.4/2.6
    2L PCB for AC1200
    MT7621A: embedded 5p GbE Switch
    MT7621N: no 5p GbE Switch

Furthermore after reviewing: OpenWrt → General Discussion → Hootoo HT-TM06 chipset MTK7620

and OpenWrt → General Discussion → HooToo Tripmate Titan HT-TM05 (MT7620)
I wonder if this method outlined in: OpenWrt Wiki » Table of Hardware » HooToo » HooToo HT-TM05

would be a possibility? 

Any thoughts? or even possibly owners of this new device?
- so.... I will comtemplate a buy in the coming weeks.  Will let everyone know if I do, also i tried to make nice links but it says Link Allow Zero?

Just wanted to add, after examining the pdf shots of the prototype board HooTooJunkie referenced it looks to me that the antennae may be soldered on?  I hope not, I was kind of hoping to fix the whole non-removable antenna issue (well its an issue for me anyhow)

(Last edited by viggotao on 12 Oct 2016, 04:12)

Being based on MT7621, porting it into OpenWRT shouldn't be too hard.


I also have this router and would love to use OpenWRT. is there a build for it? can we make one. What info is needed?

this site says *Chip Solution:MT7621A+MT7602E+MT7612E
I am not sure where to start with a build?

The discussion might have continued from here.