OpenWrt Forum Archive

Topic: Upgrade OpenWrt on Netgear D7800

The content of this topic has been archived on 20 Apr 2018. There are no obvious gaps in this topic, but there may still be some posts missing at the end.

I switched my Netgear D7800 stock firmware to the official OpenWrt release, Attitude Adjustment 12.09.1, a couple of days ago, but I'm having a few problems:

- The LEDs don't seem to work properly.
- Any modification to the wireless networks causes the router to lose 802.11n and 802.11ac support, and can also corrupt the firmware if the channel is set to "auto" when the settings are applied.
- I'm unable to install any packages because there don't appear to be any:

Downloading //
wget: server returned error: HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found
Collected errors:
 * opkg_download: Failed to download //, wget returned 1.

(note: I removed the protocols in the urls above for the purposes of posting this)

Is there a safe way to update to try and overcome these problems?  I'm worried about losing VDSL support since this actually appears to be working for me with the OpenWrt firmware released by Netgear.

Thanks in advance

as far as i know there is no openwrt/lede firmware which supports vdsl on the d7800.

Attitude Adjustment is very very old. Better you try LEDE trunk.

OK, thanks for the quick response.  Is it possible ADSL is supported but not VDSL?  If that's the case then I may give LEDE a try.

I flashed openWRT on my d7800. After flashing I cannot access router through even if PC gets connected to it and I can ping using CMD.

I tried TFTP to flash stock firmware.

I used putty and I can login to root, but what commands should I use to reflash with stock firmware. I tried to find .bin for D7800 but everywhere .img only.

I flashed stock with this file


Any ideas, please?

Update to previous post:

I flashed from Stock firmware to openwrt-ipq806x-D7800-squashfs-factory.img

The discussion might have continued from here.