OpenWrt Forum Archive

Topic: Bluez Broken?

The content of this topic has been archived on 27 Feb 2018. There are no obvious gaps in this topic, but there may still be some posts missing at the end.

Hey All...

I'm compiling some code natively using the mipsel toolchain on my wrtsl54gs and whenever the object files are build and I get to the linking stage, I get errors about hci_inquiry etc not being present within the (cp library.

Also, the file seems to have corrupted headers...?

Any ideas?




The "Corrupted header size" is a file result on a file that has been stripped with the utility sstrip available in the toolchain, it just strips the symbols differently from the classical strip program.

Regarding the undefined reference, try to recompile bluez-libs to see if we did not forget to activate your missing feature.

Cheers bud, bluez compiles with suprisingly few hacks...

Compiled bluez-libs, bluez-utils and ussp-push freshly in a usb-stick native mipsel enviroment.  the openobex i am using was cross compiled on a linux laptop and transferred across.

Ussp-push starts normally now but when set to the task of sending a file come back with;

Can't open tty: No such file or directory
Eoory while doing OBEX_HandleInput()
__obex_connect: error=-1
Unable to connect to the server

Hmm... also, rfcomm wont make connections either, saying hosts are down. Weird.   Is it anything to do with the BT_RFCOMM_TTY setting mentioned in ?

If so... how do i sort it? --> RFCOMM worked to make a connection initially using a stock kernel and the prebuild bluez packages, so I'm assuming this isnt a kernel rebuild flag... What is BT_RFCOMM_TTY ....?

pabb: Seems like you haven't insmod some module. Check
and use hcitool for basic functionality testing.

Also combining native and cross compiled libraries seems me somewhat tricky.
I succeeded with openobex 1.2 and ussp-push 0.9 compiled in kamikaze brcm 2.4 buildroot (an outdated r3595, not buildroot-ng).
Before that I used openobex 1.0 and obex-push (originally from openobex-apps but not included in recent versions).
Bluez both stack and libs were from kamikaze buildroot.

If you're willing finish those packages, convert them to buildroot-ng and submit to openwrt I'll send you what I've done.

The discussion might have continued from here.