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Topic: whiterussian buildroot or uClibc broken -- or I'm an idiot !

The content of this topic has been archived on 13 Mar 2018. There are no obvious gaps in this topic, but there may still be some posts missing at the end.

Hi all.

I've built an image using the whiterussian branch buildroot for an Asus WL-500GD following the shipped documentation, using uClibc-0.9.27.

Cupsd hangs on startup, no difference if I use the precompiled cupsd package or a self compiled. No errors logged with log-level debug2,
cupsd hangs on "Full reload".

Well, tested and cups_1.1.23-2_mipsel.ipk, works out of the box.

I've built an image using a fresh buildroot install without any modifications and tested with cups_1.1.23-2_mipsel.ipk, cupsd hangs, and probably a lot more.

Adding debug info to scheduler/mime.c shows clearly that cupsd loops in line 235 because of readdir() malfunction.
This is probably because of opendir() malfunction in line 220.

Tried to compile the code of opendir() and readdir() as myopendir() and myreaddir() in mime.c.
It fails with  "dereferencing pointer to incomplete type" errors.

What to do as next ?


I am experiencing the same problems with a WRTSL54GS. I can't get a firmware that boots normally, only failsafe seems to be working.
Also nbd whiterussian images from 30 jul have the same trouble.
However, building a rc5 from source gives a working image (so my environment is working properly).

Any hints ?



Hi Spaetzle

Here's my suggestion:
Set the debug level to 0 and reboot.

I had a similar problem with the latest version of olsrd which made the DMZ LED of my WRT54G to stay permanently on. After changing the DEbugLevel to 0, the problem was sorted.

I do not know much about the cups package, but with olsrd when it is run manually with the debug level greater than 0 then it stays on the foreground.
So in that case imagine when the router runs the startup script of the olsrd from a reboot.

That's my 2 cent's worth.

nbd will take a closer look to the changes between rc5 and svn.
Probably he will solve the problem the next days.

In fact uclibc build is broken in the not working images.


(Last edited by spaetzle on 18 Aug 2006, 11:49)


I did some tests on my WRTSL54GS with various svn revisions of whiterussian, using a customized image not very different from default (I can provide the .config) :
Every time I did a full svn checkout and rebuilt everything from scratch.

It turns out that the last revision I found that produces a booting image (not in failsafe) is 4134.
Revision 4155 is broken.

Then  I guess the commit 4155 causes some trouble...


(Last edited by aorlinsk on 19 Aug 2006, 19:03)


It looks like the patch found in the buildroot-ng changeset 4634 applied on the lastest whiterussian makes the images working again...

Then I would suggest a backport in whiterussian !


The discussion might have continued from here.