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Topic: BlueZ bdaddr utility - include in bluez-utils or package separately?

The content of this topic has been archived on 29 Apr 2018. There are no obvious gaps in this topic, but there may still be some posts missing at the end.

I've got of those famous ISSC bluetooth adapters without an EEPROM and therefore with the annoying default bdaddr 11:11:11:11:11:11. If you've bought a noname adapter on eBay, then you most likely also have one of these.

root@wlhdd:~# lsusb -s 3
Bus 001 Device 003: ID 1131:1001 Integrated System Solution Corp.

Now, the bluez-utils includes a small utility called bdaddr in test/ which allows you to change the bdaddr.  The version in CVS has support for ISSC adapters.  I've successfully built this for whiterussian, based on a patched copy of the trunk bluez-utils.  The changes to bluez-utils are minimal: a patch to bring bdaddr in sync with current CVS and a modified Makefile to build test/ and install test/bdaddr.

I was wondering if this was something that could be interesting to others?  And if so, should I prepare a patch against bluez-utils, or should I try to create it as a separate target? The utility is small and depends on libbluetooth:

root@wlhdd:~# ls -l /usr/sbin/bdaddr 
-rwxr-xr-x    1 root     root        12775 Jan  1  2000 /usr/sbin/bdaddr
root@wlhdd:~# ldd /usr/sbin/bdaddr   => /usr/lib/ (0x2aaee000) => /lib/ (0x2ab40000) => /lib/ (0x2aaa8000)

And if I do prepare this, would it be appropriate to include a script to check for a 11:11:11:11:11:11 bdaddr and automagically change, e.g. it like this:

/usr/sbin/bdaddr -i hci0 `nvram get et0macaddr|awk '{OFS=FS=":";for(x=2,y=2;--x;){$x=sprintf("%02x",(y+="0x"$x)%256);y/=256}print}'`

(Reuses the et0 mac addr, with bit 2 set to 2 to indicate a locally set address)

I've been running this on a WL-HDD with whiterussion rc5 for a while and it seems to work very well.


You use a “famous” ISSC bluetooth adapters without an EEPROM.     
I'm looking for it anywhere, but I don't found it.         

Is it an USB bluetooth adapter or other device?

Paolo Zande.

(Last edited by zandePaolo on 23 Aug 2006, 14:30)

zandePaolo wrote:

You use a “famous” ISSC bluetooth adapters without an EEPROM.     
I'm looking for it anywhere, but I don't found it.

Try eBay.  I bought if from the seller "boop337" … id=boop337

I can recommend the seller, but I don't want to recommend the device. It does not work reliably. Works most of the time, but not always.  You get what you pay for...

I believe most of the noname BT USB adapters sold on eBay are these ISSC adapters.

zandePaolo wrote:

Is it an USB bluetooth adapter or other device?




Thank you for all.



(Last edited by zandePaolo on 1 Sep 2006, 12:03)

The discussion might have continued from here.